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How do I get a new Meal Guide?
How do I get a new Meal Guide?

You can choose quickly and easily from our library of Meal Guide options.

Updated over 4 months ago

Preview your available options, add a Meal Guide directly to your day or choose your top picks to add to your Favourites for later!

To access your Meal Guide Library, please see the steps below.

  1. Click Meals

  2. Select 'Meal Guides'.

  3. Choose a Meal Guide category/theme or select "All" to view all available Meal Guides.

  4. Scroll through your available options. Clicking on ‘Add to favourites’ will add this Meal Guide to your personal ‘Favourites’ category. Please note Meal Guides within your ‘Favourites’ category may change slightly if your nutritional targets change to ensure you are still meeting your new targets.

  5. To see the nutritional breakdown of the Meal Guide and details of each meal, simply tap on the meal guide and into each meal to view more information.

  6. You can add a Meal Guide directly to your day by clicking ‘Select This Meal Guide’.

  7. ‘Selected Day’ will save your Meal Guide to your current selected day in your Meals tab only, 'All Days of this Week' will save your Meal Guide to your current selected week and - ‘All Days’ will save it to your current selected day and all future days

  8. Click ‘Confirm’ to apply changes and enjoy your new Meal Guide!

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