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Updated over 4 months ago

We’ve just released a new feature that will allow you to post rich updates via a ‘Feed’ page in your app. Members can react or respond to the content you post in your Feed.

To view a quick walkthrough of Feeds, click below.

How to create a dedicated Page for your Feed:

To create a new space for your feed:

  1. Click the “Create” Tab in the left hand sidebar

  2. Click the “Create New” button

  3. Select “Page”

  4. Navigate to the “Feeds & Engagement” category

  5. Select one of our pre-built templates

This will create a dedicated page including a hero block where you can create a header for your feed, and the feed itself. A Feed is essentially a place where you can share content and updates, and people can subscribe to it to get notified of any updates posted to the Feed.

How to Add a feed block to an existing page:

To create a feed block on an existing page:

  1. Click the [+ Add Block] button located at the top left of the builder (or very bottom). Alternatively, hover over an existing block and click the top or bottom purple [+Block] button

  2. Select “Feeds” from the lefthand “Add Block” menu

  3. Select from one of our Feed templates and click on it

  4. The feed block will now be added to your page

  5. This is what the feed block will look like in the Movement Admin:

How to share to a feed:

  1. Navigate to any piece of content you’d like to share to a Feed, E.G. a workout, program, article, etc.

  2. In the upper righthand part of the page, look for this share button and click.

  1. You’ll see the Sharing options open and click ‘Post to a Feed’. Select which Feed you’d like to post to if you have multiple Feeds and can you can add a description for the item you’re posting EG ‘love this recipe for cold winter nights!’.

  2. Now this post has officially gone out to your Feed. Anyone who subscribes for updates to this Feed will receive a Push Notification or Email that you’ve added an update.

Add a Post directly from a feed:

You can make a new Post directly from your feed when you’re logged into your app.

  1. Log in to your app

  2. Head to a page containing a feed.

  3. Hit the purple [+ New Post] button.

  4. From here you can title your post, add/ format text, and upload images and videos.

    Check out an example of how to add a new post directly from a feed in the video below:

Pinning a post to the top of the feed

Account owners and Admins can pin posts at the top of feeds. This ensures important announcements or engaging content stay visible and accessible. To pin a post:

  1. Click on the 3 dot icon on the post

  2. You will see a ‘Pin Post’ option in the ‘Actions’ modal.

  3. Clicking this will pin the post to the top of the feed, and you will see a pin icon in your brand colour near the top right of the post.

  4. If there are multiple pinned posts, they will be ordered by the time they were pinned. This posts that were pinned first get priority placement at the top of the feed.

  5. Pinned posts can be unpinned whenever needed, by either clicking on the pin icon or 3 dot icon and hitting ‘Unpin’.

Member posts:

Members can now add Posts to a Feed. Check out this short article on how to set up your feeds to allow your members to post.

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