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Products are used to sell anything in your app – whether that’s specific types of content, a program or a subscription to your whole app.

Updated over 3 months ago

What is a product in Movement? ​Anything you want to sell in your app.

It could be your monthly subscription, a package, a program, etc. You can create as many products as you want, and multiple pieces of content from your app can be bundled into one product. For example, you could setup the following different products for app access:

  1. Monthly Subscription to your app

  2. Annual Subscription to your app

  3. One Off Purchase to a 6-week training course

  4. A one-off bundle purchase that gives access to a new challenge, a new meal plan and exclusive training tips

💡 Note: In order to create a product, you will need to have your Stripe account setup or connected. Connect Your Stripe Now

How to Create a Product

To create your first product, navigate to the Sell tab in the black lefthand sidebar. Click the [+ Create Product] button’ and a ‘New Product’ popup will appear. Here you can give the product a title, choose if it is recurring or one-off, and set your own price in any currency! If you select ‘Recurring’ you will be prompted to choose a billing interval from the dropdown list.

Once you have everything configured, hit the purple ‘Create Product’ button and you will be dropped into the product’s ‘Details’ tab. From here, you can modify the title, purchase type, price, currency and manage coupons for the product. If you expand the ‘Advanced’ tab, you can find the Product’s ID and an option to toggle ‘Hide from Checkout’ on or off.

💡 Note: The Overview, Members, and Purchase History tabs can be used to keep track of how your product is performing, and which members have purchased it.

Monetize content with a product.

Once you’ve got a product set up, its time to use it to monetize your content. In this example, we will configure the access settings of a program to require the purchase of the one-off ‘6 Week Fitness Program’ product we created above. This will mean only members who have purchased the product will be able to access the program.

  1. Navigate to the content you want to assign the product to and expand the ‘Access’ section in the righthand sidebar.

  2. Hit the ‘Update Access Rules’ button.

  3. Click on ‘Require Purchase’ from the list of access options.

  4. Click the [+Add Product] button from the require purchase section and a popup list of your current products will appear.

  5. Click the product/s you’d like your members to purchase to gain access to this content (members will only need to purchase one of the specified products that unlock this piece of content if you have selected multiple.)

  6. You will now see the product/s you have selected listed in the ‘Require Purchase’ section.

  7. Hit ‘Save & Publish’.

  8. You can test out the checkout flow that has been created with this product by using our ‘Preview’ feature on the piece of content you have added the product to.

💡 Note: When your members hit ‘Purchase’, they will be dropped into the checkout flow where they can purchase the relevant product to unlock the content.

If you navigate back to the ‘Details’ tab of the product itself, you will now notice an ‘Included in Product’ section has been populated with the content you have assigned this product to.

Free Trials

You can offer free trials on any subscription (recurring) products. Simply input the number of days you would like to run you free trial for in the “Free Trial” input.

Typically, free trials are setup for 7 or 14 days, so clients or prospects can get a feel for the value they’ll receive from your content or app. But your free trial can span as many days as you’d like, feel free to experiment!

P.S. if you are not seeing the free trial option, make sure you have made the product “recurring”

💡 Note: When a member signs up for a free trial, they must enter their payment details. These details are saved for automated billing after the trial period ends. When the trial is started, Stripe generates a $0 invoice visible in the "Sales" section of the "Sell" tab . After the trial, members are charged according to the set price for the upcoming billing period.

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