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How safe are suction grab bars?

Do suction grab bars work?

Howard avatar
Written by Howard
Updated over a week ago

Suction Grab Bars are Unsafe!

Can you depend upon a suction grab bar for support? In my opinion - absolutely not. They seem to work, but they cannot be trusted. There is nothing worse than a false sense of security. A product that works most of the time but not all the time, has no place on your shower wall.

 I have seen situations where a suction grab bar may dislodge daily, or in some cases, remain on the wall for weeks. I have frequently come across situations where clients and patients have had suction bars come loose while in use, causing them to lose their balance and, in some instances, injure themselves. We usually receive a request for an installation soon after such an occurrence.  

If you read sales literature or some of the blogs regarding suction grab bars, you may read opinions that differ, but these are often the views of content creators who have not had any true field experience.  I have spent the last 20 years in the field, installing grab bars, and assessing bathroom safety in numerous bathrooms daily. Suction grab bars are unsafe!

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