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Create a New Alert

Learn how to set up new alerts to track mentions, competitive coverage, specific journalists' work, and more

Sara Sorenson avatar
Written by Sara Sorenson
Updated over 2 months ago

Create a New Alert

Set up Muck Rack Alerts to find new press hits, mentions of any keyword or company in journalists' tweets, and relevant people to build relationships with. You can set up Alerts from scratch or directly from your search results.

Learn More in Muck Rack Academy

Explore common use cases for using Alerts to maximize your PR strategy and impact in our 5 Ways to Leverage Muck Rack Alerts guide.

Watch the video below or keep reading to learn how to create a new alert.

NOTE: Email alerts are restricted to 100 results per email. If you anticipate receiving more than 100 results, we suggest adjusting your Alert frequency within the alert settings to receive alerts more often. This will reduce the number of results included in each email.

Create an Alert From Scratch

  1. Go to Monitoring > Alerts.

    Shows the 'Monitoring' dropdown menu expanded and the 'Alerts' option circled in red

  2. Select the Create Alert button.

    Shows the 'Alerts' page with the 'Create Alert' button circled in red in the top right-hand corner

  3. Configure your Alert. You can add email subscribers to receive the alerts and what frequency they will receive them.

    Shows the 'Create a New Alert' configuration page

    Shows the Frequency dropdown options: Once per day, Twice per day, Three times per day, or As Published

  4. When configuring your Alerts, add keywords to monitor. This is the same as setting up a search in Muck Rack.

    Highlights the 'Content to Monitor' section of the Alert settings page

  5. Filter your search as needed.

    Highlights the filters section under 'Content to Monitor' on the Alert settings page

  6. Select Save at the bottom of the page when you are done.

    Highlights the 'Cancel,' 'Delete,' and 'Save' buttons at the bottom of the page

Create an Alert From Your Search Results

Alerts can also be created when running an Article Search search in Muck Rack by selecting the Create Alert button from the action bar that appears above your results:

Shows a close up of the 'Create Alert' dropdown expanded to show 'Email' and 'Email Digest' on the search results page

Create an Alert for a Media List

Filter any Alert by your Media Lists to receive results only from the journalists on a Media List. For example, suppose you’ve built a Media List of people attending or covering an event in your city. In that case, you can receive an email anytime they mention a specific topic or keyword.

Watch the video below to learn more about creating an alert for a Media List

NOTE: Your team’s Custom Contacts content will not appear in Alerts.

  1. Go to Relationships > Media List.

    Shows the 'Relationships' dropdown menu expanded with the 'Media Lists' option circled in red

  2. From the Media List page, select the three dots under Actions for a given Media List, then select Create Alert.

    Shows the Media Lists page with a closeup of the 'Actions' menu with 'Create Alert' circled in red

Create an Alert for An Individual Journalist

If you have a list of top journalists you want to monitor, Muck Rack allows you to set up Alerts for individual journalists proactively. This lets you receive a notification in your inbox whenever they write a new article.

  1. Select any person's profile page in Muck Rack

    Shows a name being selected on the search results page and a Journalist Profile being opened in a new tab

  2. Select Create Alert below their bio.

    Highlights the 'Create Alert' button at the top of a journalist profile page

  3. Fill out the Alert configuration settings, then select Save at the bottom.

Create a New Slack Alert

After completing the Slack integration setup process, you can create Alerts to send to Slack. Watch the video or follow the instructions below to learn how to set up Slack Alerts.

  1. Go to Monitoring > Alerts.

    Shows the 'Monitoring' dropdown menu expanded with 'Alerts' circled in red

  2. Select the Create Alert button to create a new alert.

    Shows the Alerts page with the 'Create Alert' button highlighted in the top right-hand corner

  3. Select Slack under Delivery Settings.

    Shows 'Slack' circled in red under the 'Delivery Settings > Alert Type' section of the Alert Settings page

  4. Select which public channel you’d like the alerts sent to.

    Shows the 'Select Slack Channel' dropdown menu expanded on the Alert Settings page

    NOTE: Although each alert can be directed to a single channel, it is possible to send multiple alerts to the same channel.

  5. Select the Save button at the bottom.

NOTE: Muck Rack Slack Alerts will be displayed in Slack search results. To avoid this, we recommend using the "Exclude apps and workflows" filter in Slack searches.

Learn More in Help Center

Learn more by checking out our Muck Rack Integration with Slack article.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



Why didn't I receive my email alert?

  • Search your Spam/Junk folders:

Your email client may be automatically sorting these emails elsewhere in your inbox -- try searching the subject line "Muck Rack Alert" in your spam and junk folders.

We recommend saving the email address as a contact in your email to better prevent these emails from automatically sorting into undesired folders.

  • Verify your keywords are properly formatted:

If the keywords entered in the settings of your Alert are not formatted properly (misuse of a Boolean operator, missing a quotation mark in a phrase, etc.). In that case, Muck Rack may not be able to recognize the appropriate article links to pull and, therefore not trigger an Alert email to you.

If you go to the settings of your Alert, you can review the keyword formatting in the Terms to Monitor box. You may see an error like the one below indicating a formatting error somewhere in your keyword string. You can select Search Help just above this box to view a guide on all the Boolean operators and correct formatting rules.

Our team is happy to help review the formatting of your keyword strings as well. Select the chat icon in the bottom right or email to get in touch with us.

  • Whitelist IP Addresses:

Suppose you ensured that your keyword string is properly formatted in the Alert settings and the emails are not being delivered elsewhere in your inbox. In that case, the next troubleshooting step to take is to have your IT whitelist our IP addresses to improve the deliverability of these emails better.

Please contact us at, and our team can provide the necessary IP addresses for your team to whitelist.

I want monitor new coverage from an individual media contact. How is this done in Muck Rack?

See our Create an Alert for an Individual Journalist section above for details on how to track coverage from an individual media contact in Muck Rack.

Get Help

For additional help, contact support by choosing the chat icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen and selecting Messages > Send us a message.

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