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Media Outlet Search

Discover new outlets to build more targeted media lists and understand past coverage.

Nick Lemen avatar
Written by Nick Lemen
Updated over a month ago

Media Outlet Search

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Media Outlet Search allows you to explore different media outlets based on keywords. It is valuable for media professionals, PR teams, and journalists who want to identify media outlets that focus on specific topics, industry-specific trade publications, and topic-specific podcasts.

You can search for outlets by location, type, or other criteria to discover new publications, broadcasters, or online platforms for potential media coverage or partnerships.

Learn More in Muck Rack Academy

You can learn all about searching for media outlets by taking the Search for Media Outlets course in Muck Rack Academy.

How to Search for Media Outlets

  1. Select the Media Outlets tab on the search tool.

  2. Enter your keywords and press Enter or select the Search icon.

    Shows the keywords "sustainable fashion" in the search bar

  3. Browse through the search results to find relevant media outlets. Select an outlet name or profile avatar to access the outlet page.

    Highlights the search results with a Media Outlet name circled in red and a Media Outlet profile shown to the right which would open in a new tab when selected

Media Outlet Search Filters



Must Appear In

Specify terms or keywords that must be present in the search results. This filter ensures that the search results only include content that mentions or covers the specified terms, helping you find relevant media content.


Lets you filter media content based on its verification status. Verified content has been independently fact-checked or vetted by reputable sources or organizations. Learn more about getting verified here.


Enables you to search for media content in specific languages.

Media Outlet Types

Filter media content based on the type of media outlet. You can select outlet types such as newspapers, magazines, online publications, broadcast outlets, or social media platforms to narrow down your search results according to your preferences.


Helps you search for media content within specific areas or scopes of expertise, helping you find content that covers particular topics or industries of interest.


Search for media content based on geographic locations.

Contributed Content

Allows you to filter media content specifically contributed by journalists or guest contributors. This helps you find media outlets that have been contributed by individuals outside the media outlet's staff.


Filter media content based on its publication frequency. You can select daily, weekly, or monthly, frequency options to refine your search results according to your preferred publication frequency.

Three Uses for Media Outlet Search

  1. Find contact info and metrics for Media Outlets
    Every media outlet profile on Muck Rack contains the media outlet’s contact information, recent articles, and metrics like unique visitors per month, audience, and domain authority. 

  2. Build Media Lists after finding Media Outlets
    Running a campaign in an area you’re less familiar with? Use Muck Rack’s Media Outlet Search to find all of the outlets in a location. Then, select View People to see a list of journalists at those outlets. From there, add them to any existing or new Media List on Muck Rack or enter keywords to find journalists at an outlet covering the relevant topics for your campaign. 

  3. Search coverage from Media Outlets and create reports
    Need to find a media outlet’s past coverage about a company or campaign? Select media outlets from your search results, and click Find Articles. Enter a search term or add a filter for more specific results, then add articles to a Coverage Report to generate data and insights for your next campaign.

Get Help

For additional help, contact support by choosing the chat icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen and selecting Messages > Send us a message.

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