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Engage with a Media Outlet Profile
Engage with a Media Outlet Profile

Find general contact information for publications using Media Lists.

Nick Lemen avatar
Written by Nick Lemen
Updated over 3 months ago

Media Outlets

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In Muck Rack, Media Outlets encompass a spectrum of platforms that disseminate news and information, ranging from traditional newspapers, magazines, and broadcast networks to modern digital publications, blogs, podcasts, and independent journalists.

These outlets serve as conduits for sharing stories, opinions, and insights with the public. Muck Rack's comprehensive database showcases the profiles of these outlets, providing valuable information about their journalists, articles, broadcasts, and coverage areas.

Learn More in Muck Rack Academy

You can learn about Media Outlets by taking the Search For Media Outlets course in the Muck Rack Academy.

Media Outlet Profiles

A Media Outlet's profile will be displayed when selecting a Media Outlet. Here, you can find general contact information and recently published articles from that outlet.

Shows an example of the Media Outlet Profile for the New York Times

Learn more about Media Outlet Profiles by viewing the video or table below:

Media Outlet Details




Specifies specific areas or scopes of expertise.


Language the outlet publishes in


Countries the outlet publishes in

Similarweb and Comscore UVM

UVM is the number of visitors that an outlet receives per month. It can also be called UMV (Unique Monthly Visitors) or Readership.

Domain Authority

How early does the article show up in search results

Spam Score

Reflects the percentage of websites that are similar that are reported as spam

Radio Media Market

A region where the population is more likely to listen to the content

Radio Format

The genre of programing

Contact Information



View People

Shows the 'View Profile' button

See individuals associated with this Outlet

Contact Information

Shows the 'Contact Information' section of a Media Outlet profile

See the primary contact information for this outlet, including Newsdesk emails.

Social Media

Shows the 'Social Media' section of a Media Outlet profile

See social media links for this outlet




Recent Articles

Shows the 'Recent Articles' section of a Media Outlet profile

See recent articles by the outlet. It also allows you to search through articles for this outlet

Media Lists

Shows the 'Media Lists' section of a Media Outlet profile

Add the outlet to a Media List

Outlet Lists

Shows the 'Outlet Lists' section of a Media Outlet profile

Add the outlet to an Outlet List

How to Find Newsdesk Emails

There are multiple ways to locate newsdesk emails for a Media Outlet within Muck Rack.

  1. Look under the Contact information section of a Media Outlet profile.

    Shows a Media Outlet profile with a newsdesk email highlighted under the 'Contact Information' section

  2. Select the Newsdesk tab within a Media List and look under the Email column.

    Shows a Media List page with the 'Newsdesks' filter highlighted

  3. From the Recipients step within the Pitching tool, you can look up newsdesk emails to add to your pitch recipients list.

    Shows the 'Add recipients' window where a cursor selects the 'Newsdesks' filter and enters 'nytimes' into the search bar

Share a Media Outlet Profile

You are able to generate a sharable link from any Media Outlet or Podcast Profile to share with members of your team.

From the Outlet Profile, select "Share this page" under Actions:

Shows a Media Outlet profile with the 'Share this page' button circled in red in the top right corner under the 'Actions' section

Scopes on Outlet Profiles

Scope describes the media outlet's distribution (how far the outlet's reach extends) and target audience. Outlets can be assigned multiple scopes based on reach (Local or National), Demographic audience (African-American or Hispanic) or Audience (Consumer or B2B).

Scope helps you quickly identify how far a certain piece of news/content was distributed as well as who may have read that news/content. For example, a mention in Essence would be National in scope and would reach a largely African-American/Black and Woman audience.

Scope Definitions




These scopes are assigned based on how wide an area the publication targets and/or covers. Most publications will have these scopes assigned. There should only be one of these assigned per outlet.

  • Hyperlocal: Covering news targeting a neighborhood or community within a larger urban area

  • Local: Covering news targeting a specific city or town, it's metro area, or even a specific state or province

  • National: Covering news targeting an entire country

  • International: Covering news targeting people around the globe


These scopes are assigned if the publication targets a specific demographic group. Not all publications will have these assigned. While they are mostly US-focused in nature, other publications may have these assigned. It is possible for there to be multiple of these assigned to one outlet.

  • African-American/Black: Publications targeting populations identifying as black or of African descent. This could also include the African diaspora

  • Asian: Publications targeting immigrant populations from South and East Asia or native populations identifying as being of Asian descent

  • Hispanic/Latinx: Publications targeting immigrant populations from Latin/South America or native populations identifying as being of Hispanic or Latinx descent

  • LGBTQ: Publications targeted at lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or any other population generally classified as queer or under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella

  • Men: Publications targeting men of all kinds

  • Native/Indigenous: Publications targeting the native, indigenous, or first nations people of any country. This would also be applied to publications serving reservations

  • Women: Publications targeting women of all kinds


These scopes are assigned if the publication is aimed at specific audience based on subject matter. Many publications will have at least either Trade or Consumer assigned. There should only be one of these assigned per outlet.

  • Consumer: Outlets targeting the general public who are interested in specific subject matter from a leisure perspective

  • Trade/B2B: Outlets targeting professionals who are interested in specific subject matter from a work perspective

  • Student/Alumni: Outlets targeting people who are either students at or alumni of an educational institution

  • In-flight/On-board/In-room: Outlets targeting the general public who are traveling on planes/trains or staying in hotels.

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For additional help, contact support by choosing the chat icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen and selecting Messages > Send us a message.

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