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Manage Media Lists

This article will teach you how to use features in Muck Rack to manage your media lists

Nick Lemen avatar
Written by Nick Lemen
Updated over 3 months ago

Attention: This article will be archived in Q1 2025!

Please see our new Manage Media Lists collection in Help Center for a new and improved experience.

Manage Media Lists

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This article will explore the powerful capabilities of Muck Rack's Media Lists and how they can help you efficiently manage your media contacts. Understanding Media List's ins and outs will enhance your media outreach strategies. Discover how to organize, filter, export, and merge your media contacts effectively, allowing you to create targeted and personalized outreach campaigns. Stay informed with real-time journalist updates, monitor media coverage, and collaborate seamlessly with your team.

⚠️ IMPORTANT: This article is for managing Media Lists. If you want to create or import a Media List, check out our Creating Media and Outlet Lists article.

Filter Media Lists

Seamlessly filter your Media Lists by the creator, name, data quantities, and more to locate lists and contacts quickly.

  1. From the navigation bar, select Relationships > Media Lists.

    A closeup of the main navigation bar with the Relationships menu expanded and "Media Lists" highlighted

  2. Select Add Filter from the action bar above your media list table.

    Shows the Media Lists page with the 'Add Filter' button highlighted at the top of the table

  3. Choose your desired filter from the list.

    Shows the 'Add Filter' dropdown menu expanded

NOTE: You can filter within individual Media Lists as well. Go to any Media List and use the Filters at the top of the page.

Export Media Lists

Exporting your Media Lists will provide detailed information from each journalist’s profile page for easy custom sorting.

  1. From the navigation bar, select Relationships > Media Lists.

    A closeup of the main navigation bar with the Relationships menu expanded and "Media Lists" highlighted

  2. Select the Media List name.

    Shows the Media List page with the media list named 'U.S. Running Contacts' highlighted and circled in red

  3. Select Export and choose Excel or PDF.

    Shows the Media List page for 'U.S. Running Contacts' with the 'Export' dropdown menu expanded, showing two options: Excel and PDF


In Muck Rack, "columns" refer to the customizable data fields that display specific information about contacts and media outlets in your media lists. These columns allow you to view essential details at a glance, making assessing and organizing your media contacts easier.

You can choose which columns to display in your Media Lists:

  1. From any Media List, select Edit Columns.

    Shows the Media List page for 'U.S. Running Contacts' with the 'Edit Columns' button highlighted at the top of the table

  2. Toggle the columns you want to display ON and those you want to hide OFF.

    Shows the Media List page for 'U.S. Running Contacts' with the 'Edit Columns' menu expanded on the left-hand side showing options to toggle columns ON and OFF

Merge Media Lists

Merging media lists in Muck Rack combines multiple lists of media contacts into a single, unified list. This feature allows You to centralize their contacts, avoid duplicates, and improve organization. By merging lists, you can view your media relationships comprehensively, facilitating more effective targeting and personalized outreach.

  1. Go to Relationships > Media Lists.

    A closeup of the main navigation bar with the Relationships menu expanded and "Media Lists" highlighted

  2. Use the Checkboxes to select the Media Lists you want to merge and select Merge Media Lists.

    Shows the Media Lists page with two media list checkboxes selected and the 'Merge Media Lists' button highlighted in the blue action bar above the table

  3. In the pop-up window that appears, choose whether you'd like to Create a new list or Merge into a saved list, then select the Merge Media Lists button.

    Shows the Merge Media Lists pop-up menu that appears when the button is selected

  4. Choose whether you would like to keep or delete the original media lists.

    Shows the confirmation message that appears when Media Lists are merged, including a question whether you'd like to delete the old media lists

    If you choose Delete my Media Lists, you'll be given another pop-up window to confirm:

    Shows a follow-up question to confirm you want to delete the selected media lists

Media List Notes

Improve your collaborative efforts and relationship tracking in Muck Rack by adding relationship notes to your media lists.

Learn more about Media List Notes by watching the video below or continue reading.

Add a Note

  1. Navigate to a media list.

  2. Under the Media List Notes column, select + Add a note.

    Shows a Media List page with the 'Media List Notes' column highlighted and the 'Add a note' option shown magnified

  3. Once the panel expands, enter your note into the text box.

    Shows the Media List Note panel that slides open when 'Add a note' is selected, with the 'Add note' button circled in red

  4. Select the Add note button.

NOTE: If the media list is private (visibility is set to Only Me), then you will be the only one to view or access this note.

Edit a Note

  1. Select the note from within the Media List Notes column.

    Shows a Media List note circled in red on the Media List page

  2. When the panel opens, select the Edit button.

    Shows the Media List Note panel that slides open when a note is selected, showing a text box with the 'Delete' button circled in red

  3. Edit the text within the text box, then select the Save note button.

    Shows the Media List Note panel with a new note added to the text box and the 'Save note' button circled in red

Delete a Note

  1. Select the note from within the Media List Notes column.

  2. Select the Delete button.

  3. When asked whether you are sure, select the Yes, delete note button.

    Shows a confirmation pop-up that reads 'Are you sure you want to delete the note?'

Pitch Owners

Delegate outreach efforts to team members by assigning contacts using the Pitch Owner column within your Media List.

Learn more by watching the video below or continue reading.

Add a Pitch Owner to an Individual Contact

  1. From your Media List, select + Add Pitch Owner within the Pitch Owner column for the desired contact then select the name of the desired Pitch Owner from the dropdown list.

Edit or Delete a Pitch Owner from an Individual Contact

  1. From the Pitch Owner column, select the name of the Pitch Owner you would like to edit or delete.

  2. If you would like to reassign the Pitch Owner, select another name from the list.

  3. If you would like to delete the Pitch Owner, select None from the top of the list.

    Shows a cursor selecting the name of an existing Pitch Owner, then selecting 'None' from the dropdown list

Add a Pitch Owner to Multiple Contacts at Once

  1. From your Media List, select the checkboxes next to the contacts to which you would like to add a Pitch Owner.

    Shows a Media List page with the checkbox column circled in red

  2. Select Edit Pitch Owner from the action bar that appears at the top of the table.

    Shows a Media List page with the 'Edit Pitch Owner' button circled in red in the blue action bar at the top of the table

  3. Select the name of the person you would like to assign as the Pitch Owner.

    Shows the 'Edit Pitch Owner' dropdown menu expanded showing 'Remove owner' and a name below that circled in red

Edit or Delete Pitch Owners in Bulk

  1. From your Media List, select the checkboxes next to the contacts for which you would like to edit or delete a Pitch Owner.

  2. Select Edit Pitch Owner from the action bar that appears at the top of the table.

    Shows a Media List page with the 'Edit Pitch Owner' button circled in red in the blue action bar at the top of the table

  3. To reassign the Pitch Owner for the selected contacts, select a different name from the dropdown menu.

    Shows the 'Edit Pitch Owner' dropdown menu expanded showing 'Remove owner' and a name below that circled in red

  4. To delete the Pitch Owner for all selected contacts, select Remove owner from the top of the dropdown menu.

    Shows the 'Edit Pitch Owner' dropdown menu expanded showing 'Remove owner' circled in red

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



Why is the number decreasing when I add multiple contacts to a Media List?

If you’d like to open a Media List after adding People to it from Search, make sure you are clicking on the “out” icon to the right of your list’s name. Try re-adding people and following the instructions above. Contact our support team if you’re still encountering issues with your list.

I'm trying to download an export of my media list, but it keeps sending it to my email. Why?

Media List exports have historically been based on file size which isn't exclusively based on the number of journalists within the list, but also the amount of data, including journalist status information.

There's no way to choose between an email or instant download at this time. If the system is only giving you the option to receive it via email, it is due to the file size of the list.

How does the Pitch Owner differ from the Relationship Owner?

The Pitch Owner field is meant for users who are responsible for pitching a contact within a specific Media List, whereas a Relationship Owner is considered the primary point of contact for a specific reporter regardless of the Media List or Pitch.

How do I know when I’m added as a Pitch Owner for a contact?

You will receive an email notification that shows how many contacts from a set of Media Lists you have been assigned to as the Pitch Owner.


Shows an example of a Pitch Owner email stating 'You were assigned as the new Pitch Owner for contacts in the following shared media lists'

(Select the image to view at full size)

Will a user receive 1 email per contact they are added to as an owner?

No, emails will go out in batches where we will group updates into notifications. This can include changes made to multiple Media Lists. (See example above)

Can users turn off email notifications when being added as a Pitch Owner?


I'm trying to assign a Pitch Owner, but I only see my name as an option. Why?

If the visibility of the Media List is set to "Only Me" then you will be the only person listed as an option in the Pitch Owner dropdown. To view your full team under Pitch Owners, you will need to update the visibility settings to share with your team.

Contact our Support team if you’re still encountering issues by selecting the chat icon in the bottom right of your screen.

Get Help

For additional help, contact support by choosing the chat icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen and selecting Messages > Send us a message.

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