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Trend Reports

Create, filter, and edit a trend report in Muck Rack

Nick Lemen avatar
Written by Nick Lemen
Updated over 3 months ago

Trend Reports

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Trends on Muck Rack instantly analyzes and compares articles published about companies, campaigns, or keywords to show how news is trending. Search for two or more topics, and Muck Rack instantly combs through millions of articles to bring you insights like the number of articles published over time, top media outlets and journalists, share-of-voice, and Key Message pull-through.

Watch the video below to learn more about Trend Reports.

Learn More in Muck Rack Academy

You can learn all about Trends in Muck Rack by taking the Trend Report course in Muck Rack Academy.

Create A Trend Report

  1. From the main navigation bar, select Reporting > Trends.

    Shows the Reporting dropdown menu expanded with the 'Trends' option circled in red

  2. Enter Terms or select Saved Searches to include in your report.

    Shows terms being entered into the text field of the Trends page

  3. Select the Generate button.

    Closeup of the Generate button

  4. Review your results.

    Shows a Trends report being generated and scrolling down through the full report

Navigate a Trend Report

There are a few key areas to note when viewing a Trend Report:

  • Terms & Saved Searches: This section appears at the very top. It can be edited at any time to add or change terms to include in the report. If adding or editing any terms, be sure to select the Generate button to refresh the report. This is also where you can Reset terms or Save Changes on a Trend Report.

  • Date Filters: At the top of the report you will find date filters; these can be adjusted manually to update the data.

  • Widgets: Report widgets appear below the Date Filters, with the top section showing data for all of the Terms or Saved Searches compared to one another. At the top of any data visualization widgets for this section, you will see an Export option which allows you to export the data for that individual widget.

    Below the top section, each Term or Saved Search is broken out individually to show Top Authors, Top Outlets, and Unique Outlets for each.

Shows an example of a full Trends Report

Edit A Trend Report

  1. From the main navigation bar, select Reporting > Trends.

    Shows the Reporting dropdown menu expanded with the 'Trends' option circled in red

  2. Select the desired Trend Report, add a new Term or Saved Search, then select the Generate button.

    Shows a Trend Report for 'Climate Change' being selected, the search term 'Typhoon' being added, then a new report being generated with this new term included

  3. Select Save Trend Report to save your changes.

    Shows a cursor selecting the 'Save Trend Report' button in the bottom left-hand corner of the top box

NOTE: Saved Reports can be found in Reporting > Trends after scrolling past featured reports.

Shows the 'Saved Trend Reports' section of the Trends page

Filter a Trend Report

Filtering a Trend Report starts with creating a saved search with filters. This is because you can add custom filters to your Saved Searches to ensure you are only capturing the most relevant mentions.

Here is our suggested workflow:

  1. Run an article search with your keywords and add any filters you have in mind on the left-hand side.

    Shows the search results page for an Article search with the Filters menu highlighted on the left-hand side

    NOTE: Date filters applied to Saved Searches will be overridden by the date range applied to your Trend report.

  2. Select the Save Search button to save this search.

    Shows the search results page for an Article search with the 'Save Search' button highlighted and circled in red

  3. Navigate to a Trend report by selecting Reporting > Trends, then selecting the report under the Saved Trend Reports section at the bottom.

    Shows the 'Saved Trend Reports' section of the Trends page

  4. Select Add Saved Search, choose the search you just saved, then select the Generate button.

    Shows a Trend report with the 'Add Term or Saved Search' section highlighted and 'Saved Search' circled in red

  5. Select Save Trend Report to save your changes.

    Shows a Trend report with the 'Save Changes' button circled in red

Trend Report Data

Muck Rack offers various data points and metrics to make it easy to quantify your PR campaigns. Learn more about the data available in Trend Reports below.



Articles Over Time

thumbnail of this section of the report

The number of articles (by published date) that include the specified terms.

Total Articles

thumbnail of this section of the report

The total number of articles published that include the specified terms.

Top Authors

thumbnail of this section of the report

The number of articles published by a person.

An author that has published the most articles appears first in the list.

Top Outlets

thumbnail of this section of the report

The number of articles published by a publication.

A media outlet that has published the most articles appears first in the list.

Share of Voice

thumbnail of this section of the report

The number of articles from each specified term is displayed in a pie chart and as a percentage.

Unique Outlets

thumbnail of this section of the report

The number of distinct media sources (such as newspapers, websites, blogs, or TV channels) that have covered the specified term.

Each outlet is only counted once, regardless of how many times it publishes articles or reports on the topic.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



How are Top Authors and Top Outlets determined?

Top Authors and Top Media Outlets are calculated by the number of articles published by a person or publication.

An author or media outlet that has published the most articles appears first in the list.

Can I export a Trend Report?

You cannot export the Trend Report as a whole, however, you can export the following select widgets:

  • Articles Over Time

  • Total Articles

  • Share of Voice

To do this, select the Export button in the top right of the widget, then select the format you'd like for your export.

Get Help

For additional help, contact support by choosing the chat icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen and selecting Messages > Send us a message.

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