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Journalist Verification

Learn about the process and benefits of journalist verification in Muck Rack

Nick Lemen avatar
Written by Nick Lemen
Updated over 4 months ago

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The information in this article applies to Journalists listed in Muck Rack's database. For information on getting started with Muck Rack as a PR Professional, check out our article on Getting Started with Muck Rack.

Verified Journalists

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The green Verified badge on Muck Rack lets people know that a profile page meets Muck Rack’s criteria to be defined as a verified journalist, and that the information is maintained by Muck Rack’s Editorial team. It also gives you unlimited access to some of Muck Rack’s more powerful tools.

Shows a journalist profile with the 'Verified' badge highlighted next to their name

How Accounts Get Verified

You may claim your profile on Muck Rack and find it verified. If you do not see verification and want to inquire about how to get verified, please check Muck Rack’s criteria to be defined as a verified journalist and contact the Muck Rack Editorial Team.

The Muck Rack Editorial Team regularly observes and verifies journalists' accounts in Muck Rack. Muck Rack typically verifies full-time journalists and content creators, including those who work independently and who have published work by outlets verified in Muck Rack within the last 30 days.

NOTE: Social media verification does not weigh our decisions.

How to Request Verification

  1. Go to Your profile > Edit profile.

    Shows the 'Your profile' dropdown expanded with the 'Edit profile' option circled in red

  2. Select Verification.

    Shows the Edit Profile page with the 'Verification' option highlighted in the left-hand menu

  3. Fill in all required information.

    1. Note that X (Twitter) is not required to be verified

    2. If you are a freelancer, you can choose the Freelance option in the Media Outlet section

      Shows the 'Muck Rack Journalist Verification' pop up field that appears when 'Verification' is selected

  4. Select the Request Verification button to submit your request.

    Shows the 'Muck Rack Journalist Verification' pop up field with the 'Request Verification' button highlighted in the bottom right-hand corner

This will go into a queue to be reviewed by our Editors. They will contact you to follow up once your request has been reviewed.

NOTE: To expedite the process, our Editorial team will look for your contact preferences, topics you do and do not cover, and a completed biography, so be sure to fill out those sections as well!

Supporting Documentation

To support your request for verification, we may ask you to provide examples of professional, journalistic work you’ve produced or been credited with within the past 30 days.

  • Self-published work or content produced for unverified outlets can be added to Muck Rack profiles but is not considered in a request for verification.

  • If you'd like to be listed as a contributor at a particular outlet, evidence of consistent contributions over the past three months must be available. Proof via long-term contracts or relationships can help further legitimize your standing in our verification process.

What To Do if Your Request is Denied

If your verification request is denied, submit a new request after 30 days.

If your profile doesn't meet our verification criteria, other ways exist to tell people it's authentic. For example, you can link to it from your website or social networks.

Alternatively, select the chat icon in the bottom right or email to get in touch.

Tools for Verified Journalists

Muck Rack provides several tools for journalists. The scope of those tools will depend on your verification status.



Not Verified


Muck Rack Profile

Access to update your profile

Email Alerts

Who Shared My Link Tool

Media Lists


Notes about Verification

The following criteria apply to people producing content in print, digital, photo, video, audio, or other multimedia formats, and all criteria must be met to obtain verification:

  • You clearly and primarily identify as a full-time journalist, producer, or freelancer.

  • You are employed by an organization that meets Muck Rack’s verification criteria for organizations.

  • You engage in journalism, as defined by the American Press Institute, as the process of “gathering, assessing, creating, and presenting news and information” at an organization verified by Muck Rack.

⚠️ IMPORTANT: By default, we do not verify profiles for part-time journalists, non-news multimedia producers, research analysts, business executives, interns, fellows, researchers, fact-checkers, undergrads, journalism students, librarians, non-practicing professors, instructors, academics, independent bloggers, non-news podcasters or newsletter writers; public relations or marketing professionals, media consultants, or salespeople.

Get Help

For additional help, contact support by choosing the chat icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen and selecting Messages > Send us a message.

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