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Manage A Journalist Profile

Learn how to manage journalist profile and use tools for journalists

Nick Lemen avatar
Written by Nick Lemen
Updated over 3 months ago
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This information in this article applies to Journalists listed in Muck Rack's database. For information geared towards PR professionals, check out our Engage with a Journalist Profile article.

Manage A Journalist Profile

banner, decorative

Take control over your Muck Rack journalist profile by adding your own images, articles, social media, and ensuring your pronouns are correct. Muck Rack encourages journalists to define how they are seen by PR professionals, other journalists and members of the media.

Customize Your Profile Photo

Your Profile Photo in Muck Rack is the image that will be displayed when you show up in Muck Rack searches.

  1. Go to your Profile > Edit Profile.

    Shows the 'Your profile' dropdown menu expanded with 'Edit profile' circled in red

  2. Upload an image by selecting Choose file, selecting a photo from your files, then selecting Save Changes at the bottom of the page.

    Shows an image being uploaded to a journalist profile

    You can remove an existing photo by checking the Remove image box and clicking Save changes.

    Shows a close up of the 'Bio, Title & Location' section with the 'Remove image' option checked and circled in red

Customize Your Profile URL

The handle at the end of your Muck Rack URL (e.g., can be customized to be more memorable or match other social handles.

  1. Go to your Profile > Edit Profile

    Shows the 'Your profile' dropdown menu expanded with 'Edit profile' circled in red

  2. Go to Custom URL and enter your desired handle into the text entry box.

    Shows the 'Edit Profile' page with the 'Custom URL' option selected, showing your Muck Rack URL circled in red

  3. Select the Change URL button to save your new custom URL.

Profile Options

Use the table below to learn about the different customizable elements of a Journalist Profile.

Bio & Title



Profile Image

Upload an image to represent you on Muck Rack


Some information about you in under 1,000 words


Locations you are in

Job Title

Your job title


Your pronouns

What Topics Do You Cover?

Any topics you typically cover

What topics do you NOT Cover?

Any topics you do not cover

Contact Information




Enter the email where you would like to receive pitches. If you prefer to opt out, you can also hide your email.

Learn more about your privacy options in our Privacy in Muck Rack for Journalists article.


Display a phone number for registered Muck Rack users. You can also hide your Phone number.

Pitch Preferences

Update your pitch preferences to help PR professionals communicate better with you.



Pitch Preference Questions

Shows a thumbnail of the Pitch Preferences section
  • How do you prefer to be pitched?

  • What time of day do you prefer to be pitched?

  • If you’re not going to cover a story do you typically respond to the pitch?

  • What's your ideal pitch length?

  • Is it alright if someone follows up with you after sending their initial pitch?

  • Do you check press release newswires to find new story ideas?

  • Additional information about pitching you


If you are not verified, you will see a banner providing information about requesting verification. You can also add additional information about yourself to improve your chances of being verified. Learn more in our Journalist Verification article.



X (Twitter) Account

Add your X account (not required)

Jobs Title

Provide your job title


Provide some beats you frequently write about


Provide your location(s)

Media Outlets

You must be a journalist employed by the requested media outlets or choose freelance if working independently. Selections are subject to the approval of Muck Rack's editors.

Social Links




Add your website URL

Contact Form

Add your contact form URL


Add your blog URL

RSS Feed

Add your RSS feed


Add your newsletter information

Social Networks

Shows a thumbnail of the Social Networks available


Provide information about any awards you have won.




Shows a thumbnail of the Edit Awards page

Fill out the details about your Awards.

  • Award Name

  • Other Please specify name of award

  • Year

  • Award Category

  • Award Description

  • URL


A space to provide more details about who you are. You can submit answers to various questions so Muck Rack users can learn more about you.




Shows a thumbnail of the Interview option

Fill in any questions you like! In order to delete interview answers, just go through the process and clear the text before clicking Submit answer.

Privacy Options

Show or display elements of your account



Hide articles on my profile

Muck Rack attempts to find articles written by you to automatically add to your profile so it's always up-to-date. Check this box only if you'd like to hide those articles. You can still manually add articles to your portfolio.

Hide tweets on my profile

The X Feed section of your profile will be hidden and posts will not be displayed.

Hide my profile entirely

Your public profile will be hidden. You will still be able to log in and use Muck Rack.

Learn More About Privacy

Learn more about privacy in our Privacy in Muck Rack for Journalists article.

Manage Articles and Portfolio

Content on profiles is split up into two sections: Articles and Portfolio. Articles is automatically updated and managed by Muck Rack. Portfolio is managed by you and is a place to showcase your best work.

Add Articles to Your Profile

Our scraper lends a helping hand of pulling in the bylines of writers to create Muck Rack profiles, but sometimes an article can be missed or scraped without an author having been assigned. If you have an article that you would like to add to your profile, you can use our Who Shared My Link tool to post your work to the Articles section of your page.

  1. Select Who Shared My Link from the main navigation bar.

    Shows the Muck Rack homepage with 'Who Shared My Link?' circled in red in the top navigation bar

  2. Paste the link to the desired article into the text field, then select Calculate shares. Once submitted, this will:

    • Automatically pull the article into our database

    • Assign it to your page

    • Provide you with the information on how many times your article was shared on different social media platforms

    • Show you who shared your article on social media (only for verified journalists)

      Shows the 'Who Shared My Link' landing page with steps labeled to first paste a URL into the text field, then select the 'Calculate shares' button

⚠️ IMPORTANT: If the article was not assigned to your page or you have a large number of articles you’d like to add, reach out to the Editorial Team at and we’ll be happy to help.

Group Duplicate Articles on Your Profile

To offer greater flexibility over how you organize your articles, you have the option to group duplicate articles on your profile or display each duplicate separately.

By default, duplicate articles will be grouped together. If you'd like to change this, you may navigate to Your profile > Edit profile > Article Settings > Duplicate Content.

Shows the 'Article Settings' section of the 'Edit Profile' page

Add Items To Your Portfolio

You can build your portfolio to display your best articles front and center on your profile. As your portfolio is located above your articles section on your profile, you’ll want to be sure you include your best works in your portfolio. These articles will be highlighted at the top of your page. By contrast, the Articles section of your page will show your work in chronological order, starting with the most recent.

  1. Go to your Profile > Edit Profile.

    Shows the 'Your profile' dropdown menu expanded with 'Edit profile' circled in red

  2. Go to Portfolio and enter a link into the Add To Your Portfolio section before selecting the 'Add item' button.

    Shows the 'Porfolio' section of the 'Edit profile' page with the 'Add to Your Portfolio' option circled in red

  3. If needed, edit the details of the article. These will be displayed to Muck Rack users as a preview of the article.

    Title: Name your article

    Media Outlet: Where the article is published

    Description: Preview the article, or describe it

    URL: Provide the article URL

    Publication Date: The date the article was published

    Image: An image to represent your article

    PDF: A PDF of the article

⚠️ IMPORTANT: When you add an item to your portfolio, it does not automatically add it to the Articles section of your profile or to the larger Muck Rack database searchable to other users. To add an article to the Articles section of your profile, see instructions above.

Portfolio Options

The Portfolio section allows you to manage the look and feel of your portfolio. Use the table below to learn more about the settings available to you.



Reorder Items

thumbnail gif showing this portfolio action

Reorder your articles by selecting Reorder Items and dragging the articles into the placement you want. Then select Save Changes at the bottom.

Edit and Delete

Shows a close up of a portfolio item on a journalist profile with the 'Order By Date' button circled in red

Next to every article, you can choose to Edit or Delete the article.

Order By Date

Shows the Your Portfolio section with the 'Order by Date' option circled in red

Order By Date allows you to adjust the order automatically to the publication date of the articles.

Delete an Article From Your Profile

There are a few reasons why you may need to have an article removed from your profile and how you do so will depend on where that article appears.

Delete an Article in Your Portfolio Section

If the article appears in your Portfolio, you can manually remove it using these steps:

  1. Go to your Profile > Edit Profile.

    Shows the 'Your profile' dropdown menu expanded with 'Edit profile' circled in red

  2. Go to Portfolio and select the Delete button next to the article you wish to remove.

    Show the Portfolio section of the Edit Profile page with the 'Delete' button circled in red next to an article

Delete an Article in the Articles Section

If the article appears in the Articles section of your profile, you will need to reach out to our Editorial team to have it removed.

Please reach out to the Editorial Team at, provide the URLs for any article you would like removed, and we will remove them for you.

Troubleshoot Your Profile

Use the table to learn the solutions to common concerns with Muck Rack profiles.



An article associated with your profile that does not belong to you.

If you see an article on your profile that does not belong to you, you may flag incorrect bylines by selecting the Issue with article? option or reach out to us directly and we’ll work to make the necessary corrections. Be sure to provide as much details as possible to ensure the issue gets resolved as soon as possible.

Shows the 'Issue with article' dropdown expanded at the bottom of an article on a journalist profile
Shows a close up of the 'Issue with article' dropdown menu options

The X (Twitter) account associated with your profile is not yours

If you see that your articles appear on a page that is linked to someone else’s X handle, please reach out to the Editorial Team at and we will remove that handle and add yours in its place (if desired)

The X handle and posts associated with your account are your personal handle.

If you would like us to remove the Tweets from your Muck Rack page while leaving your handle active, just let us know and we’d be happy to remove them for you! You can also disconnect your X handle in the social links section of your profile settings at any time. This will remove both your handle and all posts.

You also have the ability to simply hide the posts while keeping your handle listed in the privacy settings:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



What's the difference between adding a link via the Portfolio or running the article link through Who Shared My Link?

Articles can only appear in the Portfolio section if added manually to a journalist profile by the journalist that profile belongs to using the steps listed above.

Articles can only appear in the Articles section of a profile if the article has been ingested into Muck Rack's database, either automatically, manually by our Editorial team, or by a journalist running the article link through the Who Shared My Link tool, as shown above. Doing this would also result in the article appearing in Article Search results across Muck Rack, making it discoverable to others via Muck Rack.

Why are there articles on my page that I didn’t write?

While Muck Rack’s automatic scraper does the heavy lifting of accumulating everyone’s work and creating Muck Rack profiles, it isn’t always perfect - especially when it comes to two separate authors with the same name. For this reason, real-life humans on Muck Rack’s Editorial Team work everyday to make sure that each profile is kept as up to date as possible and that bylines appear correctly on the right author’s page.

Claiming your profile will grant you access to make edits to the majority of your profile, but any edits to bylines must be made by our Editorial Team to ensure correct attribution.

You may flag incorrect bylines by selecting the Issue with article? option or reach out to us directly and we’ll work to make the necessary corrections. Be sure to provide as much details as possible to ensure the issue gets resolved as soon as possible.

Shows the 'Issue with article' dropdown expanded at the bottom of an article on a journalist profile
Shows a close up of the 'Issue with article' dropdown menu options

I need to delete an article from my profile's Article section, but I don't see a delete option. How do I do this?

Please reach out to the Editorial Team at, provide the URLs for any article you would like removed, and we will remove them for you.

How do I add a publication to "As seen in" in my profile?

Please reach out to the Editorial Team at or via the Chat widget in the bottom right-hand corner. You may asked to provide the URLs to any content you have written for that publication or additional details.

Get Help

For additional help, contact support by choosing the chat icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen and selecting Messages > Send us a message.

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