Outlet Rankings
Outlet rankings are automatically generated lists of media outlets in Muck Rack, categorized by factors such as media type, language, region, audience, or beat, and ranked based on their print or digital reach.
You can access Muck Rack's rankings by visiting Help & Resources > Global Media Outlet Ranking:
Once there, you can use the Media types, Locations, or Topics dropdowns to filter. Alternatively, you can select the magnifying glass icon to search Rankings by keywords.
Navigating an Outlet Ranking
Within each Ranking, you will generally see the following:
Rank: The position of the outlet within the ranking
Outlet: The name of the outlet linked to it’s individual Muck Rack profile
Total visits/Audience: The Unique Monthly Visitors or UVM for the outlet’s website (Total visits) or the print circulation (Audience)
Location: The city, state/province, and country where the outlet is based
In addition to being a great research resource for learning about new outlets and their reach, Rankings can be used to compile media lists of people who work for these specific outlets.
Go to Help & Resources > Global Media Outlet Ranking.
Use the preassigned filters or search to narrow down to a specific ranking.
Select the ranking to view the outlet list.
Once you’ve reviewed the ranking, scroll down and select View in search to find all listed contacts at the outlets, or select Create Outlet List to automatically add this rankings list to your account as an Outlet List.
Learn More in Help Center
You can find instructions to create a Media List based on your search results in our Create a Media List article.
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