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Integrating RehearsalMix® with Planning Center

Setup RehearsalMix in Planning Center by connecting your accounts and assigning seats to people.

Trevor avatar
Written by Trevor
Updated over 11 months ago

Video Overview

Setting up the RehearsalMix Subscription on

If you don’t have an active RehearsalMix, visit the pricing page and look for RehearsalMix. RehearsalMix is also available in the Rehearse Bundle, or the MultiTracks One bundle.

Linking/Importing Planning Center users with users.

  1. Connect your account to your Planning Center account from the "Connected Accounts" in your account. For more info see Connecting & PCO.

  2. Once connected, you can Import your team either manually selecting users, or clicking "Import All.” You can now also “link” individuals that are already added to your account.

  3. When you’re users are linked Now your Planning Center People have been successfully imported.

  4. On the People Page, expand each individual profile that you want to have RehearsalMix access, and assign them a seat by checking the RehearsalMix checkbox. (When linked correctly, each user should have text that reads “remove Planning Center Link” and have a check next to “RehearsalMix” like in the screenshot below.

Importing RehearsalMix files into Planning Center Services songs

  1. Go to Planning Center. Then go to the Songs tab and choose any song.

  2. Hit "+" Next to "Files". This will bring up the Files Popup.

  3. In the left sidebar select the RehearsalMix tab.

  4. Select the version of the song you want to import to this song.

  5. The RehearsalMix files are now imported into that Planning Center song.

Please allow up to 10 minutes for files to import into Planning Center after the files have been selected for import.

If you need more help troubleshooting,visit the Troubleshooting Planning Center Integration Article

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