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Team Member's Roles and Subscriptions
Team Member's Roles and Subscriptions

Learn the differences in user permission levels and how to give your team access to use content in Playback and ChartBuilder.

Trevor avatar
Written by Trevor
Updated over 7 months ago

Video Overview

Managing Roles

Roles are the four different levels of permissions for MultiTracks accounts within your Organization: Organization Admin, Campus Admin, Team Leader, and Team Member.
Admins can manage people's roles from the People Page on To adjust the role of an individual, simply navigate to the profile on the People Page, and adjust the role right below the profile icon of the user.

Roles and Permissions

General Account and Setlists

Organization Admin

Campus Admin

Team Leader

Team Member

View Setlists they are added to

Create & Edit Setlists


Add/Remove People from Setlists


View ALL organization setlists



Access/Manage the Library



Access/Manage People



Make Purchases on



Create Cloud Songs



View Receipts




Manage subscriptions




Manage Billing




Playback Permissions

Organization Admin

Campus Admin

Team Leader

Team Member

View setlists they are added to


Create new setlists


Save setlist changes to the cloud


Save Named Arrangements*


Save & overwrite User MIDI Cues to the library


View ALL organization setlists



*Team Members can can access a single default local-only setlists to add content they've been granted access to via Playback Team Sharing, or Playback Rentals, but they cannot save setlists or setlist changes to the cloud and cannot create new setlists.

*Saving Named Arrangements from Playback requires a Playback Premium subscription and Cloud Pro.

ChartBuilder Permissions

Organization Admin

Campus Admin

Team Leader

Team Member

View setlists they are added to

Create new setlists


Save setlist changes to the cloud


Edit song map


Save Named Arrangements*


View ALL organization setlists



*Team members can create new setlists but will not be able to save setlists or setlist changes to the cloud.
*Saving Named Arrangements from ChartBuilder requires a Cloud Pro subscription.

Managing Subscription Seats

Seats give a profile access to specific product features. They can only be managed by an Organization Admin or Campus Admin.

Once you have followed the above steps and are on a team member's profile, the right side will give you an overview of what products the person has access to and what seats are available.

Check the box next to the product name to assign it.

Make Sure to “SAVE CHANGES” when you are done

The indicator on the right tells you if you have seats available and how many are available for each product on your account. If you need more seats, click “Get Seats” to manage your subscriptions.

Here is a breakdown of each seat/permission that can be given to a person in your organization.

  • Playback Rentals: Gives a person the ability to spend the organization's Playback Rentals in Playback. (Rentals are device specific and connected to a single device).

  • Playback Team Sharing: Allows a person to access any of your organization's purchased audio content in Playback (MultiTracks, AppTracks, CustomMixes, and Accompaniment Tracks)

  • Playback Premium: Unlocks additional features for that person in Playback. Learn More

  • RehearsalMix: Unlocks full RehearsalMix access for this person in all places the RehearsalMix player is available;, Planning Center Services, Worship Together, and in the ChartBuilder App.

  • ChartBuilder App: Gives this person access to all Chart Pro Subscription content or all purchased PDF charts in ChartBuilder App.

  • Chart Pro: Allows that user to unlock and download/import Chart PDFs and/or ProPresenter Templates deducting from the allotted credits in the respective Chart Pro and ProPresenter Add-on subscriptions.

Managing People

Once you are on a team member's profile, you can manage a person’s access to your organization. This can be done at the links below the role dropdown as seen below:

  • Resend Email: If a person is not able able to find your organization’s invitation email in their inbox, you can resend it. (Be sure they double-check their spam and junk folders)

  • Deactivate: Suspends this person’s subscriptions [ they may not be able to access content. ]

  • Remove: This will remove a person from your organization and suspend all of their subscriptions

  • Link/Unlink Planning Center: This will let you manage an individual's connection to a particular Planning Center user. This option is only available after setting up your Planning Center Connection.

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