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HOW TO | Upload Cloud Song Tracks
HOW TO | Upload Cloud Song Tracks

Use Cloud Pro to upload your original tracks and charts to for use in Playback and ChartBuilder!

Trevor avatar
Written by Trevor
Updated over 3 months ago


With the Cloud Pro, Live Bundle, or MultiTracks one subscription, you can use your own songs and tracks in Playback! Learn how to upload your own tracks and charts as a Cloud Song in your organization's Library.

Note: In order to create Cloud Songs, a user must be a Campus Admin or Organization Admin and have an active Cloud Pro subscription (which is also included in the Live Bundle, or MultiTracks One.

Prepare your tracks for upload

Export your song files from your DAW and ensure they meet the below upload requirements. We also have a few tips for getting the best results:

  • Before exporting, ensure your tracks are lined up to the grid in your DAW, so that the tracks match the tempo in your software.

  • Include two full measures of silence or space before the Intro starts for a full two-bar "Count-Off" to be created in Playback.

  • Naming tracks (not required by helpful)
    When preparing the tracks, it's best to name the track files with names that match our stem names for cloud songs.
    For more info see: Cloud Song Track Names

  • Options include:

    • Upload a single stereo audio file that is just the performance audio (no click and guide)

    • Upload a single stereo audio file that has the performance audio panned to the right, and the click and guide panned to the left.

    • Uploading all individual tracks in the single zip that can be named.

  • Ensure your tracks meet the Upload Requirements below.

Cloud Song Zip Upload Requirements

Upload can only be a zip folder only containing files meeting the below criteria:

  • Tracks must have a Sample rate of 44.1kHz or 48kHz.

    • Processor only supports 48kHz up to a certain file size.

  • Tracks must be 16 bit or 24 Bit (bit depth).

    • Processor only supports 24 bit up to a certain file size.

  • Tracks must be only Wav, M4A, or Mp3 file types.

  • You can upload a zip file containing multiple stems.

  • All stems must have audio information. Empty audio tracks will not process.

Recap of helpful information:

  • Countoffs: Audio files must have two measures before the first down beat if you want to add a full two bar count off in Playback.

  • Stem Auto-Naming Designation: We recommend naming audio files in the zip, to match the stem names on If the stem names match, we will auto-assign the parts, so the stems work as expected.

  • Guide cues: In order to have a guide track, there must be an audio file that will later be designated as your guide track. See more in HOW TO | Cloud Song Guide Cues

Creating a cloud song

After the tracks are prepared in the zip with the above criteria, you can now create the cloud song and upload the zip file.

  1. To create and upload your first cloud song, navigate to the Library page of your account, and click "Add Song."
    Alternatively, navigate to your already-created cloud song if applicable.

  2. Next, add in all the appropriate details for your cloud song including Tempo/BPM, Song title, Artist, and other pertinent info and then select "Create" to create the song cloud song in your library.

    Now you're ready to add tracks to your cloud song.

Uploading tracks to a cloud song

When uploading tracks to a cloud song, all tracks will need to be in a zip file meeting the above requirements. Individual tracks cannot currently be added to a cloud song. To add tracks to a cloud song, all stems would need to re-uploaded in the zip file.

  1. To upload tracks to a cloud song simply drag and drop, or search for and import your zip file that meets the above requirements in the "Tracks" tab of the could song in your Library.
    Please leave the browser window and tab open while the upload is taking place.

If upload or processing errors persist, please see our Cloud Song Troubleshooting article for more information, or contact support using the chat icon on the bottom right of this website.

Naming Tracks

The next important step is ensuring all of the tracks are named using the drop-down track names from the catalogue of track names. Simply name each uploaded track using the drop down list and click "Save" at the bottom of the webpage when done. The processor will automatically label tracks if the file names match the track names we have available.

Note: All stems labelled with a custom name will be designated as a single "Name your stem" in Playback's Smart track routing; that can only be routed to a single bus via Smart Routing in Playback.

Naming Guide Stems and Click Tracks

  • Guide Stems
    In order to have a guide track in Playback, your cloud song will need an audio file designated as a Guide track. “Dynamic” and “Non-Dynamic” designation is very important for the Guide stem that’s uploaded.

    • Guide (Dynamic) Recommended is the setting you want to choose if you want to build song sections, and have the guide track dynamically change with any song sections you move around!

    • Guide (Non-Dynamic) is the setting you want to choose if you want Playback to play the vocal audio guide you uploaded. Using this setting, the audio guide will not change dynamically with any song sections you change or edit so the guide could call out incorrect song sections if you change the arrangement of your cloud song.

    For more information on cloud song guide cues see: HOW TO | Cloud Song Guide Cues.

  • Click Tracks
    Playback will generate a click track for your song based on the tempo you have set for the cloud song. You can choose to use an uploaded click track for a cloud song using the Click Sound settings in Playback. If your song has tempo changes, it's very important these are put in accurately via the website.
    For more information click tracks and tempo changes see:

Song Section Building

The cloud song may take 2-5 minutes to process after uploading to then be available for download in Playback.

Now the cloud song is ready for song sections to be added. This can either be done in the Playback app (recommended) or can also be done on the website using timecode for song sections. For more information see HOW TO | Create and Edit Cloud Song Sections in Playback.

Timecode for cloud song sections need to be accurate to the millisecond, falling on a downbeat of a measure. Building song sections in Playback ensures this is accurate.

Other Possible Prep Work:

After uploading your cloud song and downloading into Playback, more work may be required if the song has Time Signature changes, or tempo changes. It is recommended to always include the time signature changes and tempo changes in the cloud song data on the website for best results. Failure to include these could result in unexpected behavior with click and guides in Playback.

Currently, Tempo changes and Time Signature changes can only be done on the website using timecode.

Other Helpful Links

Learn more about how to make the most of your Library.

Explore every feature of our Cloud Pro Subscription.

Learn how to upload MIDI Cues to your Cloud Song Directly in Playback.

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