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Playback Sync | Troubleshooting

Information and assistance troubleshooting common errors with Playback Sync.

Trevor avatar
Written by Trevor
Updated over 7 months ago

Playback Sync transmits data to ChartBuilder to auto-scroll through charts and setlists over your local network. For general setup and Playback Sync information, see: HOW TO | Playback Sync.

General Connection Troubleshooting

General Setup Tips:

  • Dedicated network for Playback and ChartBuilder devices
    It is generally best practice to have a dedicated network, or a more-isolated network not bogged down by network traffic when utilizing for live performance features such as Playback Sync and Playback Remote.

  • Locked to single access points
    When running multiple access point setups, it's generally best to lock the stage Playback and ChartBuilder devices to a single access point.

  • Network Configuration
    It's usually recommended to consult with your network admin or IT manager to ensure your internet network is configured in the best way for devices to communicate to each other. Ensure that "Device Isolation" or "Guest Network Device Isolation" is not enabled on the local internet network being used.

Multiple Networks or Network Audio Solutions

If running a networked audio solution (Dante, Soundgrid, etc), you may need to force Playback Sync to broadcast over a specific network. You can do this be selecting the "Network" menu before enabling Playback Sync, and selecting which network to broadcast the Playback Sync info over.

Troubleshooting Specific Error Messages

Server Connection Error. Couldn't create the required context.
This error means Playback could not connect to the required port (Port 80), or Playback doesn't have a valid IPv4 address.
If troubleshooting this error for Playback Sync on a MacOS device, use the below terminal command to return a list of current apps using ports, and search for Port 80:

sudo lsof -nP -i4TCP:$PORT | grep LISTEN

After determining which application is using Port 80, quitting that application should resolve the issue. Then re-initiate Playback sync from within Playback.
If the above doesn't solve, please reach out to support using the chat and we are here to help!

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