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Location Data

How Muru uses your location for hospitals and how to turn it on

Steven Blocker avatar
Written by Steven Blocker
Updated over a week ago

Locations and Hospitals

Muru has an ever-growing list of hospitals on our app. This allows providers to find the best appropriate facility for their patients, no matter how far they are from their original location. After a provider selects a capability type (closest, burn, trauma 1, etc.) Muru sorts the hospitals by distance from the phone's location. A few points to note...

  • If location data is off, hospitals are sorted alphabetically.

  • Location data is calculated locally on the phone, it does not require the internet to work, only GPS, so it can work quickly and independently.

  • Location is calculated point to point and not based on mapping/driving distance

Allowing Muru to access your location

Muru will automatically ask you to allow us access to your location when you initially open the app. You will need to select that Muru can access your location while Muru is open in order to be able to use the functionality discussed.

Here is how you can allow Muru to access your location


If Muru can't access your location we will list all hospitals in alphabetical order and the distance to the hospital will be missing. Here is what you would see if Muru doesn't have access to your location...

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