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Your MusicHub Balance Dashboard
Your MusicHub Balance Dashboard
Maïa Heidling avatar
Written by Maïa Heidling
Updated over a week ago

In your Balance Dashboard, you are able to see how the consumption of your music make up your Balance calculations.

It is very easy to see the amount of royalties paid out by the platforms for the usage in a certain month, and how the royalty payments you've received are calculated.

We receive monthly royalty reports from each platform - which usually arrive and are processed with a 2-month delay. Your personal 'Detailed Royalties' reports are available to you in your Balance Dashboard, under "Statements".

The royalties paid out to you by the platforms each month make up the total amount that is available for pay-out in your Balance, under "Available Balance". You are free to transfer the amount to your bank account at any time by simply clicking the 'Transfer amount' button.

In your Balance Dashboard, you can:

  • download your monthly detailed royalty reports (csv. files)

  • see detailed information about the kind of usage (e.g. stream/download); how many times a track/release has been streamed/downloaded; in which countries your music was listened to in that specific month; as well as average royalty earnings per stream or download

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