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TikTok Royalties & Stats

How TikTok royalties are generated and how to see them in MusicHub

Ari Petschow avatar
Written by Ari Petschow
Updated over a week ago

When you distribute your music to TikTok via MusicHub, you can also generate royalties. However, royalties on TikTok work differently than on streaming and download platforms. This article provides you with a brief overview on the usage of your music on TikTok and how it generates royalties.

Distribution of your music

First of all, you can only get paid by TikTok if your music has been delivered on your behalf via a service or release platform like MusicHub. If you upload your music yourself as a sound directly on the TikTok app, you will not get paid when someone uses that sound.

How to get paid

TikTok only monetises your music for the videos it has been added to – meaning when someone chooses your track, e.g. from the sound library, adds it to their video and publishes the video. You only get paid for the actual use in this video – no matter how often this video has been viewed, liked or shared. Therefore, TikTok royalties depend on the number of videos containing your music, not on the number of streams of those videos.

Use TikTok for promo

Royalties generated on TikTok are generally rather small and based on a fluctuating model. So you should not regard TikTok as a major income source, but rather as an excellent tool to promote your music and get discovered by TikTok users. Guide users from TikTok to your music on streaming and download platforms so that they can listen to your full releases there, and generate additional royalties on those platforms.

How to check your stats and royalties

Unfortunately, TikTok doesn't provide any trend reports.

The TikTok royalty reports that MusicHub receives only display the number of times, videos containing your music, have been created. TikTok provides royalty reports on a monthly basis.

For more in-depth info on how to get your music on TikTok, you might want to read this article.

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