Usually, you will find new student messages in your inbox.
Log into your account
Click on the inbox tab, located on your top navigation bar
Click on the student message you wish to view
However, there may be times the message will not show in this thread. Usually, this will be when a student sends you a message after a long period. A message can then become 'archived' and is removed from your inbox thread to avoid the list of messages becoming too long.
If you are notified of a new message but cannot find it, check your student tab.
Within your student tab, you will find three sub-tabs - My Students, New Students and Inactive Students. To find a student message here:
Log into your account.
Choose your sub-tab.
To the right of each student's name are two icons - a bell denoting a notification and an envelope denoting a message. If there is a new message from a student it will have a red dot next to the envelope.
Click on the envelope to open the message thread to read and respond to the message.
This will activate the message again and going forward, you will be able to find it in your inbox.
If you see you have a red dot next to your inbox tab and cannot find an unread message, check your student tab. As above, click through the 3 sub-tabs to search for an envelope with a red dot next to the envelope.
Please contact Support at if you are still unable to find a message.