To get full value from your community we recommend a full integration like the one offered through our Magento 2 integration. This integration allows your community to create personalised discount codes, earn commission on sales generated and automatically withdraw gift cards they have earned through completing missions. It also allows you to track the revenue generated from your community sharing discount codes with their friends and followers.
Integrate your Magento2
Step 1: Log into your Magento dashboard and navigate to System > Integrations
Step 2: Click add new integration to open a new integration form.
Then enter a name for the new integration and your Magento account password and hit "Save"
Step 3: Click on API under Basic Settings select the relevant permissions for this integration as displayed below:
Step 4: Hit the Save button in the top right then Activate this integration:
Click the blue Activate button then Allow
Step 5: Now copy the Access Token
Step 6: Go to your Settings > Integrations Page > Magento "Connect"
Step 7: Paste in your Access Token along with your Display Name and Store URL and click "Continue"
Step 8: Once connected successfully you will see the Revenue Generation Setup modal. We recommend utilising as many of our Auto-Magic features as possible in order to maximise the results you receive from your community.
If you need any assistance please don't hesitate to reach out to our team via live chat!