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Spending & Limits
Charlotte Rooker avatar
Written by Charlotte Rooker
Updated over 11 months ago

Can I set a cap on how much reward spend will go out?

Yes you can set a weekly limit by clicking on

How do I add money to my account?

To add money to your account you can go to Settings > Spending & limits. There you will see the the tab "Deposit account" and you can click the "Top up".

When your account balance is below 20% of the top-up amount you select, we will automatically top up to the set amount. You can change the top-up amount at any time. For example, if your top-up amount is $100, when your account hits $20 it will automatically top up back to $100.

Available balance - what payments come out of this?

The available balance is used when a user submits a mission or generates a sale. The reward amount and commission are deducted from the available balance.

If a submission is rejected or a sale is cancelled, the deducted amount is transferred back to your available balance.

What is the weekly limit?

The weekly mission reward limit is the total amount you can give out as mission rewards within the current week. When you reach the limit, cash missions will be unavailable until the next Monday at 00:00 GMT. You can edit this limit at any time by going to your Settings > Spendings & Limits > Deposit Account > Mission reward limits > Edit weekly limit.

Where can I find my invoices?

You can find all of your invoices by going to your Settings > Billing > Invoices. There you can add the email address where you would like all invoices to be sent to.

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