Once you have signed up you need to set up your Club page to get started!
This involves:
Editing your details
Connecting your socials
Connecting your credit card & webshop
Setting your Club page live!
Once your club page is live your next focus is activating!
How do I update my profile?
To update your brand profile simply go to your home page and click "Edit details". You can also edit your details by going to your Settings.
What is preview mode?
Preview mode is a view of what will appear on your Club profile before you set it live and share the link with your Ambassadors.
How do I know if my page is live?
When you brand page is live you will see that it says "Live" at the top right of the admin home page.
When I publish a mission is my page live?
Publishing a mission will not make your brand live. In order for your brand page to be live on Club you need to click "Publish Brand".
I haven't received my verification email
You should receive your verification link to your email address within 2 minutes. Please check your spam folder. If you still have not - contact support
How can I get assistance if I need it?
Two quick and easy solutions:
Check out our amazing Knowledge Base
Connect with live help: Ask your question right now with a member of the Club Support Team. Go Ahead - Start a conversation now by clicking on the live chatbot on the bottom right of your screen