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I've just bought a Make Your Own Kit, what next?
I've just bought a Make Your Own Kit, what next?
Jolene avatar
Written by Jolene
Updated over 12 months ago

Here's how it works:

Once you purchase a Make Your Own Kit, you'll immediately receive an email containing the instructions you need to conduct your at-home DNA test.

Unlike testing kits that require you to use materials that obviously belong to a DNA kit, our Make Your Own Kit test is designed to allow you to use everyday objects in your home to extract DNA samples. Here's all you need:

  • Printer - To download and print out simple step-by-step instructions. If you don’t have a printer, you can handwrite the needed information.

  • Cotton swabs.

  • Paper envelopes.

  • Tape.

  • A pen.

  • Scissors.

Following the step-by-step directions found in your confirmation email, you'll collect DNA samples on your own.

Next, you'll mail your DNA samples in an envelope with the Completed Result Notification form that is included in your confirmation email to our lab for analysis.

Once your homemade kit arrives at our lab, you'll receive a confirmation email letting you know! This speedy option that cuts out the need to wait for a kit to arrive at your home allows you to expedite the testing process to get your answers faster! You also don't have to worry about a DNA testing kit being intercepted by a member of your household.

If your test does not need to be discreet, using a clean Q-tip/cotton swab to collect cheek cells is ideal.

If your test does need to be discreet, any object that is likely to contain earwax, mucus, dried blood, hair, or nail clippings is ideal, such as:

  • Toothbrush

  • Hairbrush

  • Earwax on a Q tip

  • Diabetic test strips

  • Nail clippings (finger or toe)

  • Used Kleenex

  • Blood stain (dry blood)

  • Well worn hats, or bandanas

  • Hearing aid

  • Gum

  • Cigarette butts

  • Razor

  • Dental floss

  • Sperm/semen on a cotton pad

  • Used condom

Unfortunately, we do not recommend using items such as spoons, water bottles, or cups for DNA testing. These items typically contain minimal to no valuable DNA and seldom yield successful results.

Please note that tests utilizing an Alternative DNA Sample (anything other than a standard cheek swab): 7-10 business days after sample receipt.

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