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Bulk Uploading Participants

How to Bulk Upload Participants

Vanessa avatar
Written by Vanessa
Updated over a year ago

As a mission's admin you will be able to upload participants directly into your mission by uploading a CSV file with the required information.

Keep in mind that it is the admin's responsibility to ensure the file uploaded with valid and correct data.

*To enable this option: once your mission is set up, please send us an email requesting for it to be enable *

Data Required

For each participant you need to provide the following data:

  1. First Name (letters only, can contain spaces)

  2. Last Name (letters only, can contain spaces)

  3. Email Address (must be a valid email format)

  4. Team Name (optional)

Example of CSV format:

First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Team Name

*You can always create an Excel file with columns first and export it as a CSV file to upload *

Where to Upload

  • To upload your file, please enter your mission's page and select the "Admin" tab.

  • In the new page, scroll down to the "Invite Participants" section and click on "Upload Participants".

  • There, you will be able to upload your file.

After Uploading the File

  • If a participant is an existing MVM user:

- They will be added into the mission

- They will receive an email letting them know they have been added

  • If a participant is not an existing MVM user:

- An account will be created using their details

- They will be added into the mission

- They will receive an email letting them know they have been added

- They will need to complete the "Forgotten Password" process to access their account

- They will have to accept our T&Cs to be able to reset their password

  • If a Team Name was added:

- If team does exist, participant will be added into the team.

- If team does not exist, team will be created and participant will be added into the team.


- The upload process does not remove participants from teams.

- You can upload the same file with more participants and only new participants will be added.

- If you change a team name for a participant, the participant will be moved to the new team provided.

- Option is only available before launching the mission

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