Adding descriptions

Add details about your questions and answers

Updated over a week ago

Descriptions allow you to give more details to your customers about a question or an answer.

To ensure your descriptions are visible on mobile, we recommend to reduce the font size under the section called Description (mobile), in the Theme Editor.

Adding a description to a question

  1. Open your product.

  2. Open the question for which you want to add a description.

  3. On top of the right menu, click on the setting icon.

  4. Next to Description, hit the checkbox.

  5. Type in your description. You can format it with bold, italic, and by underlining the text. You can also use bullet points and line breaks.

  6. Click anywhere outside the description text input and your description will appear in the question panel of your customizer.

Adding a description to an answer

  1. Open your product.

  2. Open the question containing the answer.

  3. Open the the answer.

  4. Next to Description, hit the checkbox.

  5. Type in your description. You can format it with bold, italic, and by underlining the text. You can also use bullet points and line breaks.

  6. Click anywhere outside the description text input and your description will appear in the question panel of your customizer.

Incorporating links into descriptions

You add links into your descriptions.

  1. Select one or multiple words.

  2. Click on the link icon.

  3. Type in your link URL starting with https://

  4. Click anywhere outside the description text input and your description will appear in the question panel of your customizer.

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