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Adding conditional logic to your customizer
Adding conditional logic to your customizer

Learn how to use rules to add conditional logic to your customizer

Updated over a week ago

A logic rule is a conditional statement allowing you to:

  1. Force or restrict answers based on another question's answer selections

  2. Show or hide a question based on another question's answer selections

Forcing or restricting answers based on another question's answer selections

You can create a logic rule to to identify a specific combination of designs that should not exist. As an example, consider the following rule:

When helmet material is red then helmet strap material should not be red.

Showing or hiding a question based on another question's answer selections

Rules can also be used to show or hide questions in your customizer based on the customer's answer to another question.

In the example below, when answering the 'Design' question, if the customer selects 'Solid Color', the 'Case color' question is displayed. If he selects 'Pattern', the 'Pattern' question is displayed and lastly, if he selects 'Upload Your Design', the 'Add Your Design' question is shown.

In order to achieve this, logic rules were created as follows:

When Design is Solid Color then Pattern should be unavailable.

When Design is Solid Color then Upload Your Design should be unavailable.

When Design is Pattern then Solid Color should be unavailable.

When Design is Pattern then Upload Your Design should be unavailable.

When Design is Upload Your Design then Solid Color should be unavailable.

When Design is Upload Your Design then Pattern should be unavailable.

Following the same principle, this article explains how to show or hide a logo question using logic rules.

Creating and managing logic rules

Adding a rule

To add a rule:

  1. Log in to Kickflip and open your product.

  2. Click on the Logic button in the top right of the screen.

  3. Click on + Add rule.

Editing a rule

To edit a rule, hover over the rule and click on the Pencil icon.

Duplicating a rule

To duplicate a rule, hover over the rule and click on the Duplicate icon.

Deleting a rule

To delete a rule, hover over the rule and click on the Trash icon.

Renaming elements linked to rules

If you rename an image, text, logo or value that is linked to a rule, the rule will be automatically modified with the updated name.

Deleting or archiving elements connected to rules

If you archive or delete an element but have created rules using that element, your rules will stop working. Make sure to edit or delete your rule. A red exclamation mark and warning message will be displayed next to your rule to remind you to fix it.


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