Saving and publishing your product
Updated over a week ago


Whenever you modify a product in the product builder, your changes are automatically saved.

Publishing your changes

Once you are ready to publish your changes on your website, click on the Publish button, on the top right of the product builder.

This action cannot be undone, unless you use version history to restore your previous version. Make sure to thoroughly test your changes before publishing.

Your product will not be visible on your website until you add it to your online store. If you have already added your product to your online store, your changes will be visible instantly.

Discarding your last changes

Clicking on Discard will delete all the modifications you have made since the last published version. This action cannot be undone, unless you use version history to restore your previous version. To discard your changes:

  1. Click on the chevron on the right side of the Publish button, in the top right of the screen.

  2. Click on Discard.

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