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Allowing customers to start customization from a design they like
Allowing customers to start customization from a design they like

Create starting points from which customers can start customizing your product.

Updated over a week ago

Starting points consist of different customized versions of the same product. This provides your customer with a base from which to start their customization. You can add as many starting points as you wish to your online store.

Starting points by Polarfeece

To see your starting points, open your product, and click on the Connect tab.

Default starting point

When you publish a product for the first time, a default starting point is created. A green Default label is displayed next to it.

Updating the default starting point

Within the product builder, whenever you modify and publish your product, your default starting point will be updated.

Setting a default answer

  1. Within your product, open a question.

  2. Within the right side panel, hover over the answer you would like to set as default.

  3. Click on the more icon and click on Set as default.

Setting default answer


Text inputs and uploaded logos can not appear in starting points.

Creating a starting point

  1. Open your product, and click on the Connect tab.

  2. Click on + Design starting point

  3. Under Starting point name, enter a name for your starting point. This name will appear as your product’s name in your online store.

  4. Design you starting point by selecting an answer for each question.

  5. Hit the Create button.

Editing a starting point

You can always edit your starting points. The changes you make will appear in your online store. To edit a starting point:

  1. Within your product, under the Connect tab, click on more icon next to the starting point you wish to edit and then click on Edit.

  2. Make your changes.

  3. Hit the Save button.

Updating starting points

If you have made modifications to your product, your starting point might not be up-to-date anymore. An exclamation point icon will appear next to your starting point to let you know. Editing your starting point will fix this.

Deleting a starting point

If you delete a starting point, it will also be removed from your online stores. This action cannot be undone.

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