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Making text or logo questions share the same answer
Making text or logo questions share the same answer

Make questions share the same answer by linking them.

Updated over a week ago

You can link questions to make them share the same answer. This feature works for Logo and Text questions.

Linking questions to make them share the same answer

  1. Open your product.

  2. Create a Text or Logo question. That will be the parent question.

  3. Create another question (It has to be the same question type as in step 1). This will be the child question.

  4. Open your child question.

  5. From the right side panel, click on the Settings icon.

  6. Under Link to another question, select the parent question.

  7. Your child question is now automatically moved to Behind the scene and will have the same answer as the parent question.


You can link multiple child questions to a parent question.

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