Availability: Accounting Pro plan or above
This feature is particularly helpful when you need your client to sign a document that changes based on their specific circumstances or if you want to show a different questionnaire based on previous answers. For example, a resident of the United Kingdom might need to sign a different document than someone residing in Poland and may need to answer a different set of questionnaires.
How to do it:
If you require your client to access the workflow from a link in an email
In this case you need to build your workflow inside a Prospect Portal Group. Here is how to do this:
Step 1: Prepare your questionnaires
Step 2: Add conditions to workflow widgets.
STEP 1: Prepare your questionnaires
Go to your Prospect Group. If you do not have one, go to Portals, click on the '+' button and create a Prospect Group. Navigate to Form Templates and create a form.
Add your questions. Make sure to assign a variable name to the relevant question:
Finally, assign a variable name to the questionnaire:
STEP 2: Add conditions to workflow widgets.
First, add appropriate elements to the workflow. In our example, a form "Jurisdiction" contains a multple choice question with three options: "United Kingdom", "Poland" and "Ukraine". For each selected option we would like to show a different questionnaire. We should add all of them one by one.
Finally, we need to add the condition that should be satisfied for the relevant questionnaire to appear:
Note the format of the condition: "Jurisdiction" is the variable name of the questionnaire; "Country" is the variable name of the multiple choice question. They are concatenated with a dot. Finally the double equal sign means needs to be added with the desired option placed in double quotes.
If you require your client to login before accessing the workflow
In this case you need to build your workflow inside a Client Portal Group. Here is how to do this:
Step 1: Prepare your questionnaires
Step 2: Add conditions to workflow widgets.
STEP 1: Prepare your questionnaire:
Navigate to Form Templates section of your chosen Client Portal Group
Then click "Add form" to create a questionnaire. Add your questions. We recommend using a multiple choice question widget for this type of condition. Make sure you turn on advanced settings and define a variable name for the widget
Save the form and click "Back to Documents"
Click on the 'Settings' icon associated with your questionnaire and assign a variable name to it like so:
STEP 2. Prepare the workflow
Go to a client portal of your choice and select a Workflows tab (if it is not enabled, turn the tab on in Portals/Portal Group/Settings/General/Open Portal Tab Configuration). In the Workflows tab, click the "+" button to starting building your workflow. Add your questionnaire. Then add as many "request a signature" or "form" widgets as you need. For each widget define an applicable condition. For example, if you want a document or a form to appear only if "Poland" is selected, add a condition such as CountrySelector.Country == "Poland". Note that "CountrySelector" is the variable name of the questionnaire, "Country" is the variable name of the multiple choice question and "Poland" is the desired option. Remember about the double equal sign (yes, it looks strange, we're working on a better solution)
Once you add all worklfow steps your workflow could look like this:
You can apply the same logic not only to documents but also to other questionnaires:
Client experience
Your client will only see relevant options. In the example below only the "Jurisdiction" questionnaire is visible. Other options are revealed only AFTER the questionnaire is filled out and submitted.
For example, if "Poland" is selected in the "Jurisdiction" step and the client clicks "next", the workfow reconfigures itself to show only relevant documents and forms:
Please note that the client can change their mind and go back to the "Juridiction" step and select a different option. In that case a different set of forms and documents will be presented:
Important note 1: if you need different users to run a clone of the same worklfow multiple times, trigger those workflows via a Prospect Group (not via a Client Group). In other words, use Option 1 rather than Option 2. You can trigger multiple instances of a workflow via a Client Group as well (by turning on the "allow to run multiple instances of this workflow in a portal option" as shown above). However, do remember that if a workflow includes a questionnaire, it will NOT be cloned - a subsequent run of a cloned workflow will show a questionnaire as already submitted.
Important note 2: If you require a workflow to fork out another workflow (that is sent out to anothe person) you will need an ENTERPRISE plan. Contact customerservices@mydocsafehq.com for details.