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4. Adjust Account Settings
Updated over a week ago

MyDocSafe can be customised to look and feel like your own digital asset. This has many benefits: it re-assures your clients, standardises communication and helps you digitise and automate processes that can fit your business requirements (and do not need any coding).

There are two typse of settings: Company Settings (all internal and external users will be impacted) and Personal Settings (only you will be impacted).

4a. Company Settings:

These settings apply to the entire account and effect all types of users who will interact with the account: you, your team and your clients or stakeholders.

  • Account Branding (your logo, company name, company home page).

  • Subscription & Billing (your subscription plan and current account usage)

  • Company Users (internal to your company)

  • Company Roles (access profiles for internal users)

  • Email templates (adjust wording and look and feel of emails we send on your behalf)

  • Message templates (store standard messages to save you typing)

  • Colour schema settings (the way client portals and proposals will look to your clients)

  • Ways to charge your clients (Stripe and GoCardless integrations)

  • E-signature global settings (these will be applied to all esign requests). These settings will be automatically applied to all API-triggered esignature transactions. For esign requests sent from MyDocSafe you can always review them before sending documents out.

  • Integrations - third party services that you use which we integrate with. Our free Office365 plugin has traditionally been most popular.

Account Branding

Add your logo, account name and home address. The first two will show up in the top left corner. You may choose to use only the logo if your company name is too long (just untick the "show company name next to the logo in the page header" option). The home page address will be used on the portal login page if you decide to purchase the branding add-on.

Portal login page

If you would like to customise your portal login page email us at to enable the service. You will be able to adjust four items on that page:

  • the login URL (ex.

  • your logo

  • your company colour

  • reference to your home page


Email address to communicate with your stakeholders

By default MyDocSafe uses "from" address when sending notifications, invites or esign requests to your clients or stakeholders. However, that address may not be ideal if your stakeholders user firewalls or have super strong spam filters. Seeing an address called "John Doe <>" is sometimes problematic.

You can get a bespoke address such as "" in which case your stakeholders would see something a little more friendly such as "John Doe <>".


Note that when clients reply to the emails sent via MyDocSafe, the 'reply-to' address will default to the email you use to login to MyDocSafe.

If you would like to customise your portal login page email us at to enable the service.

Subscription & Billing

The Subscription & Billing page shows you your actual account usage (number of users, storage used etc) as well as lets you update your payment method. This is the page you will initially use to subscribe.

Company Users

This is where you can add new team members - users who will share access to all or part of your account. By default, all users are administrative users (so can do everything other than deleting the account). If you would like to rescrict their access to specific portals or folders, then go to the next section to define a Company Role.

Company Roles

This is where you can define "roles" which are sets of permissions that can be applied to a particular user. For example you could define a "sales" role that allows access only to the "Prospects" portal group, and a "HR" role that gives access to "Payroll" portal group.

Email templates

MyDocSafe sends various types of email notifications - from portal invitations to document upload requests to digital signature requests. You can fine tune what those emails look like (this is not required for you to do though as the defaults work just fine).

Message templates

A lot of messages you will be sending out will be very similar (for example, inviting a client to a portal or a workflow or requesting someone to upload or sign a document, or fill out a form). Wouldn't it be nice to define the templates of those messages and then pull them in whenever they are needed? The Message templates page is just for that. The benefit of having these templates is that your entire team can use them ensuring that the "same tone of voice" is used when communicating with our clients or stakeholders.

Colour Schema

To make sure your account colours do not clash with your logo, use this page to select the colour pallette that will be most pleasing to the eye.

Charging your clients

If you are planning to send Proposals or Workflows, it may be a good idea to connect your Stripe account so that you can charge your clients during the onboarding process.


Set up global e-signature settings here - such as notifications, reminders, filing settings and security settings. These settings are important because they will be used if you trigger e-sign requests via third party software we integrate with.


Use this page to enable powerful integratons. Try our Outlook plugin, which can be downloaded from here.

Now, we recommend that you switch to personal settings, that is those that will only affect you.

4b. Personal Settings:

Personal settings can be found by clicking the round icon in the top right corner and selecting "Personal Settings".

User information

The first tab, User information, lets you change your name, email address and profile photo. That photo will then replace the round icon in the top right corner and will also show up in the accounts of users who share portals with you (so make sure you look good).



You may not want to know about EVERYTHING that is happening in your account so use this page to turn notifications on or off. We recommend that you turn them all ON, see how happy you are, and turn some of them OFF if you no longer find them useful.



The system should recognise the default language of your browser and set MyDocSafe language accordingly, but if you don't like the choice made, you can make the change here. To be transparent, our UK and US versions are much better than the others (only because we are still building our multi-lingual team).

Adjust your default time zone if you travel a lot but would like to see all notifications referenced to a particular zone. In most cases you will not need to change it though.


The rest:

  • Change Password: change it

  • Security: Two-factor authentication: turn it on by verifying your mobile number

  • Add-ons (turn on Dropbox or Google Drive integrations)

A note on notifications:

Note that Portal notifications can be turn OFF by default (and then you can turn them on only for the portals you want to 'watch') or turned ON by default (and then you can turn them OFF for the portals you do not want to 'watch'). This is useful if you do not need to "watch" all portal activity.

Now, go to the next step:

Or go to the previous step

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