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Sending your first proposal
Updated over a week ago

If you have set up your proposals correctly, you should now be in a position to send it to your prospects. Here is how it is done:

Go to Proposals -> New Proposal or '+' button


You will then enter a wizard which allows you to configure or skip each available step. At each stage you can save the proposal as a draft and complete it later.

1. Client details and cover letter

Add a Proposal Name, your prospect's email address, define or choose a cover message, select the option to show a marketing brochure or a welcome video (they must be defined in Settings)


2. Services

Select your services. You can add them straight from the menu you created in Settings. You can also adjust their pricing on the fly or even create new menu items if required.


3. Forms

Select your form. If you do not want to ask your client to fill a long form just yet, skip that step. If you need only basic information from your client at this stage (perhaps to populate the engagement letter with address or name of directors) then add a form which only asks for that information. If you click 'preview', the form will open in a new browser window for you to see.


4. Select AML/KYC checks

If you require your client to check their identity before they can sign an engagement letter, select the tests you require. Otherwise, skip that step.


5. Select documents that need to be signed.

You can choose one or more documents here.

If a document you want to have signed has variables embedded in it (say in curly braces such as { }) then the system will check if there is a form in step 3 with matching variable names). If it is missing, you will see what variables need fixing.

If you click 'preview', the document will open in a new browser window for you to see. If you click 'edit' you will be able to change the wording of the template for this particular proposal or for all proposals. See more about how to adjust a document template here.

Also you can skip that step.


6. Select a payment method.

We currently offer Stripe but are about to release GoCardless as well. If you connect your Xero account you can also choose to trigger invoices to be created in Xero rather than in Stripe.


7. Select a fact find form.

At this stage it is possible that the client has paid, signed the contract and gone through ID checks. It may be a good moment to ask them to fill a lengthy form. Note that the client can always log out and log back in without losing data.


7. Review all selected steps

In the final step you can review all selected or skipped steps before you decide if the Proposal is ready for sending. To send the Proposal click on Create Proposal button. Alternatively, choose 'Save Draft' if you want to come back to it later.


Once the proposal is sent, you will be shown the "All Proposals" dashboard with the list of all existing proposals. Once a proposal is sent you can still edit it and resend it, change its status, remove it, or check each step as it is completed by a client.


Let's now have a quick look at what the client will see

1. The welcome email

The welcome email will come from address by default. If you would like to use your own 'from' address, please contact us (you need the Business subscription plan to access this feature)

Note that you can adjust the look and feel of your email in Company Settings -> email templates.


2. The login process

If your client does not have a client portal in MyDocSafe yet, we will ask them to create a login:


3. The proposal

Your client will be presented with a list of steps they need to go through.

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