Decide on your Legacy Contact
This person has to notify Myend and gets access to your e-will account, after you are gone. You can name multiple people and send them instructions to take care of matters. Most people choose two relatives or a close friend.
Who will be my first Legacy Contact?
If you are in a relationship you might choose your partner. Family relatives or a close friend can also act as Legacy Contacts.
Do I want to name a second Legacy Contact?
It would be smart, as backup in case your first choice isn’t available for some reason. It makes your Myend account more reliable.
What can a Legacy Contact see?
During your lifetime, Legacy Contact do not have access to your e-will. It’s locked and for your eyes only.
A Legacy Contact gets access to your e-will when:
They have pushed the button that notifies Myend that you have passed away. Before they gain access, Myend will verify this by sending a secure message to your phone and email. When you cannot respond in time 😢 they get access to your account.