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Homepage Overview

A brief description of the homepage and the data on it

Updated over a year ago

The myFitment landing page houses a lot of useful information. But to new users, it can be a little bit overwhelming. In this article, we hope to break it down and explain the homepage as a whole.

Currently, there are five sections to the homepage:

Your Fitment Coverage Opportunities

These bar graphs illustrate a detailed breakdown of your fitment coverage and opportunities. The dark blue segment on the graph represents the number of listings without fitment with opportunity to add fitment.

The light blue portion of the bar graph represents listings that DO currently have fitment, but we also show additional catalog fitment for.

The orange segment on the graph indicates the number of listings within non-fitment enabled categories that have the opportunity to (1.) be changed to fitment enabled categories and (2.) have fitment added to them.

Automatic Fitment Coverage

We're excited to finally announce that we're offering automatic fitment coverage. With this feature, you can simply set your fitment coverage preference, sit back and let us do the rest. You can rest assured your listings will be kept up to date with the most recent fitment from our catalog. Learn more here.

Marketplace Fitment Summary

The numbers in the marketplace fitment summary are what make up the bar graph in your fitment coverage opportunities. Let's cover each of the elements in order;

1. Total Listings

How many listings you have in your eBay store

2. Listings with fitment

How many of your listings that currently have fitment

3. Listings with some fitment and opportunity to add additional fitment

Listings currently with fitment that we show additional fitment opportunity for

4. Listings without fitment

Listings with no fitment and no fitment opportunity

5. Listings without Fitment and opportunity to add fitment

Listings with no fitment but we DO show fitment opportunity for

6. Listings in Fitment Categories

How many listings you have live in fitment-enabled categories

7. Listings w/ Opportunities in Non-Fitment Categories

Listings in non-fitment enabled categories we show fitment opportunity for

8. Fitment

How many year-make-models you already have in your listings

Fitment Opportunities

This section is a little more straight forward. This section outlines each of the categories you have listings in, how many listings in each category, and how many of those have fitment opportunities.

Clicking a category name will take you to the Listing Opportunities page with filtered to show listings in that category.

eBay Listing Potential Violations

This section shows possible Verified Rights Owner (VeRO) concerns and Keyword Spam warnings. If you are not getting notifications elsewhere on eBay, there's probably not much to worry about here. You can find out how to generate a list of potential violations and suggestions here.

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