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How to create and send invoice with Multi Item and request for Payment

Mohamed Dalha avatar
Written by Mohamed Dalha
Updated over a week ago

Here’s how your invoices will be

Go to the Invoices tab and you will get a new page.

You will get a image as shown below:

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Click "Create Invoice" option on the top right. You will get a Invoice Page

You can enter the details and click on Add Item and then send Invoice.

Note: This is only applicable for one off Payment.

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  • Choose the Currency that you want to generate invoices for

  • Select/Enter Item Name

  • Default Tax will be added for predefined plan. You can set tax rate for new plan (You can set Inclusive/Exclusive tax percentage and add Coupons too)

  • Choose the price you want to add.

  • Once you done with your inputs, Enter Add Item. You can also generate invoices for multiple plans

  • You can add description which will be displayed to your customer Email

  • You can also set the due date also in the given drop down field

  • You can enter Customer name & E-mail Address to notify them for payment.

  • Click Send Invoices.


Once you enter the details , It will be shown in the preview page. This is how your Invoice looks like

You can check Invoices, Payment page as well as Email Format.

Success Page

Once your process is done. You will get a pop-up as shown below:

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Customer Receives Email

Once Invoices is generated, Your customer will receive an Email along with attached invoice . If he clicks the "Pay now" in mail. It will be redirected to Payment Page

In that page , He can Select payment method & enter the credentials to proceed for Payment.

Once Payment is succeeded , You will get a receipt along with your email.

Download Your Invoices

You can also download your invoices in our application in the Invoice list.

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