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Privacy Settings

Understand how your private homes are visible on MyPlace.

Updated over a week ago

We made some changes to how people discover people and places on MyPlace.

  1. We've made it easier to build your network by adding mobile contact sync

  2. We've replaced friends with contacts, which gives you full control over who can discover you and your place on the network

Your Contacts

Your MyPlace contacts are the foundation of your network. People in your contact list can find you and your place depending on your privacy settings. This list is built off your mobile phonebook and gmail contacts. Anyone who was previously a 'friend' on MyPlace is now a contact. You can change this at anytime.

Keeping your place safe and only visible to the people you want is what this network is all about. So you share with the people you want, and no one else.

*Nothing on MyPlace is indexed or searchable on the internet, nor are any places visible to the entire MyPlace network. Places & people are only visible based on the below settings that you choose per place.

Who can see my place?

Close friends only

Only the people you've added to your "Close Friends" network

All Contacts

  • Your "Close Friends" network

  • Users who you've added as MyPlace Contact (previously known as friends)

  • Users who have been automatically added via my mobile contacts

  • People in the same groups as you

Extended Network

  • Your "Close Friends" network

  • Users who you've added as MyPlace Contact (previously known as friends)

  • Mutual Contacts (previously friends of friends)

  • People in the same groups as you


People who are within the privacy access list of any Booking Links I may have created for my Place(s). Otherwise, this Place is not visible to any other users on the application.

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