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Release Notes - Livestock Transfers, Class Change & Quick Add
Release Notes - Livestock Transfers, Class Change & Quick Add

We’ve updated the way our Livestock Events are handled to make it easier for you to maintain accurate livestock records.

Scott Townshend avatar
Written by Scott Townshend
Updated over 3 years ago

Dated: 13 May 2021

This release contains several improvements to the way that Livestock Events are handled, making it easier to maintain accurate livestock records. The update includes:

  • Class Change - a new Class Change event type to provide more control when livestock is aged up or moved across different stock classes.

  • Quick Add - a new Quick Add menu has been added to the Trev platform. This is located at the top right of the screen to allow quick and easy data entry on the fly.

  • Livestock Transfers - an automated approach to livestock transfers to minimise data discrepancies.

Class Change

What is a “Class Change” event type?

Trev allows you to create “Class Change” events to transfer animals between livestock classes. This provides more control as to when livestock is aged up or moved across different stock classes.

Examples where this might be useful:

  • To “age” animals up to the next stock class (e.g. when R2 Heifers become MA Cows).

  • Moving animals to/from the Carryover Cow class.

  • Moving animals from MA Cows to the Cull Cow class.

How to use the livestock “Class Change” function?

You can initiate a Class Change event either from the Quick Add menu or using the standard ‘Add Another’ button within the reporting process.

You’ll need to enter the following information:

  • Date your Class Change is to take effect.

  • Stock Class that you wish to move a group of animals from.

  • Event Type should be selected as Class Change.

  • New Stock Class that you wish to move a group of animals to.

  • No. of Animals you wish to move.

  • Reference no. (optional).

  • Notes (optional).

Click Add.

This will create two corresponding (equal but opposite) Class Change events: one for the Stock Class you moved the animals from, and one for the New Stock Class you moved the animals to. These two records will sit together in your Livestock Events table.

How do I edit a Class Change event type?

If you have the right access levels to edit current and/or historic livestock events you can edit an existing Class Change event once it’s been created.

A couple of key things to note when editing a Class Change event:

  • You can only edit the Class Change event for the Stock Class that animals have moved from.
    The corresponding (equal but opposite) Class Change event will remain in a read-only state and will update automatically if changes are made.

  • Once a Class Change event has been created, you won’t be able to change the event type (you can edit all other details about the Event such as the two livestock classes, date or number of animals). If you’ve incorrectly created a Class Change instead of another event type, then simply choose the Remove Event option and create a new livestock event with the right event type.

I used to be able to transfer to “this farm”?

Prior to the release of the Class Change event type, you could transfer animals between livestock classes at the same farm location by creating separate “Transfer In” and ‘Transfer Out” events for respective classes. This was a short term solution to allow the movement between livestock classes however it meant that two corresponding transfers would potentially not reconcile. With this release the ability to use the Transfer event types to the same farm location has been disabled.

Quick Add

What’s the new Quick Add (+) menu at the top of Trev?

To make data entry even more convenient, we’ve added a new Quick Add menu to Trev that means you can easily carry out some common tasks from whichever part of the platform you’re in. Initially the Quick Add menu will include the ability to add a “draft” livestock event. We’ll be adding to this in the future, such as the ability to create draft nutrient applications or feed events.

How do I create a Livestock Event via the Quick Add menu?

The “Add Livestock Event” option in the Quick Add menu means that you can create a “draft” livestock event on the fly from the home dashboard without entering the weekly report process. This is helpful when adding events while on farm.

To create a draft livestock event:

  1. Click on the Quick Add menu (+) in the top right corner of Trev.

  2. Select the Farm you wish to create the event for (you’ll need to be Full Access, Authorised, Editor, Reporter for a farm to show in the dropdown list).

  3. Select the Date of the livestock event. If you have Reporter access to the selected Farm you’ll be able to create an event for a date that falls within the timeframe of any reports that are pending, due or overdue. If you have Editor access to the selected Farm you’ll be able to create an event for a date that falls within the current or historic seasons created in Trev.

  4. Select a Stock Class.

  5. Select an Event type and any related settings:
    If a Transfer In or Transfer Out then select the other Farm; if a Class Change then select the other Stock Class; or if a Death select the Cause of Death.

  6. Enter any relevant reference details or notes (optional).

  7. Click Create Draft Event.

Once you hit the Create Draft Event button a confirmation message will appear that says “Draft livestock event has been created.” The draft livestock event is now available for you to confirm and add through the weekly report process.

NB: if you’re inside the Livestock section of the weekly report process and create a draft livestock event you may need to refresh the page for the new event to display.

What does a “draft” livestock event mean?

When a livestock event is in a draft state it means it will not be included in the Analytics reporting. For example, a draft event of a livestock death won’t contribute to your stock reconciliation table, or death rate (%) metrics until it has been confirmed.

How do I confirm and add a livestock event created in the Quick Add menu?

A livestock event that is created via the Quick Add function will remain in a draft state until confirmed in your weekly report process.

To do this, navigate to the Livestock section of the weekly report process. You’ll see this event sitting at the top of the Livestock Event section (shaded blue) along with any other events that require review.

You can take 1 of 3 actions for a draft livestock event:

  1. Confirm the event simply by clicking the green tick icon.

  2. Edit the event and update details by clicking on the blue edit (pen) icon.

  3. Reject the event by clicking the red cross icon.

You can also click on the expand ( > ) icon to the left of this event to see more details.

Why do I have to confirm and add a livestock event created in the Quick Add menu?

Trev is always looking at ways to improve data quality and integrity. We think the Quick Add menu is a great way to quickly add events while you’re on farm or on the road. In order to preserve data quality we think it’s important to provide the opportunity to review any events added on the fly to ensure accuracy. This should prevent instances like an accidental double up or help with times when all the exact details aren’t known on the spot.

It’s important to note that when a livestock event is in a draft state it won’t be included in the Analytics reporting. For example a draft event of a livestock death will not contribute to your stock reconciliation table, or death rate (%) metrics until it’s confirmed. As soon as it’s confirmed it’ll appear in Analytics.

Livestock Transfers

What’s new about Livestock Transfers?

We’ve released a new way of transferring livestock between farms to provide a much stronger link between transfer events.

Previously to transfer livestock two independent events had to be created on each farm. Now when one farm creates a transfer event a corresponding (draft) transfer event will be generated for the other farm to review and approve. This aims to remove or minimise instances where an equal but opposite transfers do not exist on each farm involved in the transfer.

Note that transfer events can only be created between farms that are (a) within the same Company on Trev, and (b) within the same Ownership Group of that Company.

How do I create a Livestock Transfer?

A Livestock Transfer is created using the Add Another button inside the reporting process, or through the new Quick Add menu.

You’ll need to enter the following information:

  • Date the transfer is to take effect.

  • Stock Class that you wish to transfer.

  • Event Type should be selected as Transfer In or Transfer Out.

  • Other Location to transfer a group of animals to or from.

  • No. of Animals to transfer.

  • Reference no. (optional)

  • Notes (optional)

Click Add.

Once a Livestock Transfer is created it will be included in the Livestock Reconciliation and related Analytics reports for your farm. The event will be marked with a blue (!) icon until the other farm involved has confirmed the transfer and the event is considered reconciled.

How do I respond to a Livestock Transfer?

If another farm has created or edited a livestock transfer that involves your farm, you’ll need to respond in the weekly report process. All events that require review will appear at the top of the Livestock Events section (in the Livestock module of the weekly reporting process).

Depending on the scenario you’ll be presented with the following options:

  • Confirm a transfer event by clicking the green tick icon.

  • Reject the transfer event by clicking the red cross icon.

  • Propose Changes to the event by clicking on the blue edit (pen) icon.

  • Accept proposed changes from the other farm.

  • Keep your current details if the other farm proposed changes you don’t agree with.

  • Remove the event completely.

What happens if the transferor and transferee disagree on details?

In the situation that details for a transfer are misaligned then the details you’ve selected will appear in your Livestock Reconciliation and Analytics reports. Similarly, the details the other farm has selected will appear in their Livestock Reconciliation. The events for each farm will also be marked with a red (!) icon to indicate that the data is not aligned (i.e. an equal but opposite transfer event does not exist).

How will I know if I need to respond to a Livestock Transfer or have an unreconciled event?

The easiest way to see if Livestock Transfers need attention is to navigate to the Livestock Movements Report in Analytics and click the “Only show unreconciled transfers” checkbox. This checkbox filters the livestock event list to show transfers that don’t have an equal but opposite transfer event.

Transfer event notifications:

  • A blue (!) indicates a transfer event that is yet to be confirmed.

  • A red (!) indicates a transfer event that is misaligned.

What happens if I edit or remove a Livestock Transfer?

When you edit or remove Livestock Transfers it will kick off a review process for the other farm. For example, if you delete or edit a transfer that has been confirmed by another farm, it will prompt the other farm to decide to adopt your changes or keep their existing details.

Can I complete a report with Livestock Transfers that require attention?

Yes, reports can still be completed even if the farm has not responded to outstanding Livestock Transfers events.

What happens if I’ve already completed my report for the week and another farm transfers livestock to or from my farm?

If your report has been completed for the week then the livestock transfer event will be waiting for you in your next report.

If you have Editor access (or higher) you can edit an already submitted report to respond to the transfer immediately.

Reporters do not have sufficient access to approve or edit events from already completed reports. So if a view (eye) icon displays rather than an edit (pen) icon you will need the assistance of someone with a higher access level on your farm to respond.

What happens if an Editor creates a livestock transfer event in the future?

It’s possible for a user with Editor (or higher) access to create a livestock transfer event for a date that is beyond the current reporting period. In this instance, these events won’t show in the weekly report process until that date is reached. Future events will show in the Livestock Movements report with the blue (!) icon indicating a pending status until the date is able to be viewed and confirmed in a weekly report.

What happens if you add a Livestock Transfer event via the Quick Add menu?

If you create a transfer event using the Quick Add menu you will also need to confirm the new event before the other farm can see it.

Essentially the process is:

  • Farm A creates a Quick Add draft transfer

  • Farm A must confirm the Quick Add transfer

  • Farm B is then able to respond.

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