Livestock Transfers can now be created within the Stock Module or by using the Quick Add menu.
To create a Livestock Transfer event with the Stock Module of the reporting process:
Click Add Another at the top of the Livestock Events section
Select the Date of the livestock event
Select the Stock Class you are transferring
Select the relevant Event Type (either Transfer In or Transfer out)
Enter in the No. of Animals being transferred
Select the relevant Other Location that the livestock are being transferred to/from
Enter in a Reference no. and/or Notes (optional)
Click on the blue Add button
To create a Livestock Transfer event using the Quick Add menu:
Click on the Quick Add menu (+) in the top right corner of Trev
Select the Farm you wish to create the event for
Select the Stock Class you are transferring
Select the relevant Event Type (either Transfer In or Transfer out)
Enter in the No. of Animals being transferred
Select the relevant Other Location that the livestock are being transferred to/from
Enter in a Reference no. and/or Notes (optional)
Click on the blue Create Draft Event button
Once a Livestock Transfer is created it will be included in the Livestock Reconciliation and related Analytics reports for your farm. The event will be marked with a blue (!) icon until the other farm involved has confirmed the transfer and the event is considered reconciled.
How do I respond to a Livestock Transfer?
If another farm has created or edited a livestock transfer that involves your farm, you’ll need to respond in the weekly report process. All events that require review will appear at the top of the Livestock Events section in the Stock module, shaded blue.
Depending on the scenario you’ll be presented with the following options:
Confirm a transfer event by clicking the green tick icon
Reject the transfer event by clicking the red cross icon
Propose changes to the event by clicking on the blue edit pencil on the right of the event
Accept proposed changes from the other farm
Keep your current details if the other farm proposed changes you don’t agree with
Remove the event completely
What happens if the transferor and transferee disagree on details?
In the situation that details for a transfer are misaligned then the details you’ve selected will appear in your Livestock Reconciliation and Analytics reports. Similarly, the details the other farm has selected will appear in their Livestock Reconciliation. The events for each farm will also be marked with a red (!) icon to indicate that the data is not aligned (i.e. an equal but opposite transfer event does not exist).
How will I know if I need to respond to a Livestock Transfer or have an unreconciled event?
The easiest way to see if Livestock Transfers need attention is to navigate to the Livestock Movements Report in Analytics and click the “Only show unreconciled transfers” checkbox. This checkbox filters the livestock event list to show transfers that don’t have an equal but opposite transfer event.
Transfer event notifications:
A blue (!) indicates a transfer event that is yet to be confirmed.
A red (!) indicates a transfer event that is misaligned.
What happens if I edit or remove a Livestock Transfer?
When you edit or remove Livestock Transfers it will kick off a review process for the other farm. For example, if you delete or edit a transfer that has been confirmed by another farm, it will prompt the other farm to decide to adopt your changes or keep their existing details.
Can I complete a report with Livestock Transfers that require attention?
Yes, reports can still be completed even if the farm has not responded to outstanding Livestock Transfers events.
What happens if I’ve already completed my report for the week and another farm transfers livestock to or from my farm?
If your report has been completed for the week then the livestock transfer event will be waiting for you in your next report.
Don’t forget! If you have Editor access (or higher) you can edit an already submitted report to respond to the transfer immediately. Reporters do not have sufficient access to approve or edit events from already completed reports. So if a view (eye) icon displays rather than an edit (pencil) icon you will need the assistance of someone with the correct access level on your farm to respond.
What happens if an Editor creates a livestock transfer event in the future?
It’s possible for a user with Editor (or higher) access to create a livestock transfer event for a date that is beyond the current reporting period. In this instance, these events won’t show in the weekly report process until that date is reached. Future events will show in the Livestock Movements report with the blue (!) icon indicating a pending status until the date is able to be viewed and confirmed in a weekly report.
What happens if you add a Livestock Transfer event via the Quick Add menu?
If you create a transfer event using the Quick Add menu you will also need to confirm the new event before the other farm can see it.
Essentially the process is:
Farm A creates a Quick Add draft transfer
Farm A must confirm the Quick Add transfer in the Stock module of the report
Farm B is then able to respond