A Trigger Score is calculated for each Trigger and each farm assigned to a Trigger, and this is how Trev prioritises which Triggers to bring to your attention. As a general rule of thumb, Trev will display the highest Trigger Score for any single farm within a Trigger.
The Trigger Score is calculated as:
[Trigger Score] = [Materiality] x [Importance]
Materiality is how much the farm has activated the Trigger by. For example, if you’ve set a Trigger that is “Average Pasture Cover is less than 1900 kgDM/ha”, a farm with an APC of 1800 will have a higher materiality score than another farm with an APC of 1850 (i.e. 1800 is further below the 1900 threshold than 1850). Trev calculates this number in the background as a score of 1 (least triggered) to 20 (most triggered).
Importance is a score of 1-5 that you can set as a way to influence which Triggers are most important to you and are therefore given a higher Trigger Score. For example, if a farm has triggered a Trigger with a materiality level of 20 and you’ve set the Importance as 1 out of 5, this would create a Trigger Score of 20 (20 x 1 = 20); however if you set the Importance as 5 out of 5, this would create a Trigger Score of 100 (20 x 5 = 100).
NB: if a Trigger contains multiple rules, the highest Trigger Score for any single rule for any single farm within that Trigger will be the one that is displayed.