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Farm Dairy Records overview
Scott Townshend avatar
Written by Scott Townshend
Updated over a week ago


Trev has developed a Farm Dairy Records (FDR) report to help Fonterra Farm Source farmers populate end of year reporting requirements. This is surfaced using Trev data which has been entered and calculated through the season.

In this article:

What are Farm Dairy Records?

As part of The Co-operate Difference framework, each year Fonterra farmers are required to submit their Farm Dairy Records (FDR). The FDR covers information relating to farm infrastructure, animal numbers, animal wellbeing, nutrient applications, cropping and more.

In return, Fonterra generates and provides back a Farm Insights Report that provides analysis of the farm across matters of environment, milk quality and animal welfare.

What information can Trev curate for Farm Dairy Records?

Because Trev covers a large breadth of the farm system in terms of the data collected through the season, a good amount of your Farm Dairy Records can be answered using Trev data. Note: this will be dependent on which reporting modules have been enabled for a farm.

The following table outlines how Trev aligns to each section of the Farm Dairy Records:


Alignment between Trev & FDR


All sections covered by Trev.

Supplementary Feeds

All sections covered by Trev.

Nitrogen Fertiliser

All sections covered by Trev.

Animal Wellbeing

Calf Management & Mortality Rates covered by Trev. Animal treatment data coming soon.

Support Land

Animal data covered by Trev; nutrient data coming soon.

Farm Area

Mostly covered; chicory specific data coming soon.


Coming soon.

Effluent System

To come.

Fresh Water Irrigation

To come.


To come.

Does this data automatically flow through to Farm Source?

No, at least not yet! For the 2022/23 season you will still need to manually enter data from this report into the Farm Source FDR interface but this new report will be a great time-saver bring a wide range of data you've entered and calculated through the season into one place, and pre-crunched in the format that Farm Source requires it.

In the future we'll be looking at ways to automate and simplify this interaction.

Where can I find the Farm Dairy Records report?

To navigate to the Farm Dairy Records reports:

  1. Open the main menu

  2. Locate the Farm Source tile and click Manage Connections (Note: you'll need at least one farm with an active Fonterra Farm Source dairy supply number to access this tile)

  3. Select the Farm you wish to view the Farm Dairy Record report for.

  4. Click on the relevant season you wish to review inside the 'Farm Dairy Records' section.

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