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How do I get paid?

I'm a Tutor article! Find out how payment works and the differences between lesson payment on the Schools Programme and Private lessons.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

There are differences in what you’re paid, and how you’re paid, between school lessons and private lessons, primarily because your employment status is different:

On the schools side:

You’re classed as a “worker”, for a couple of reasons. Most importantly, because we set the rates you earn based on the level of your student, pay you pro-rata holiday pay as part of a payslip, and provide you with opportunities to accept, without you needing to pitch yourself

On the private side:

You’re classed as “self-employed” because you decide your pay, when you want to work, and while we help match you with parents, you’re responsible for sealing the deal with them

Your employment status is decided by these factors (not by your employer), and it impacts the way you work on the school and private side of MyTutor:

As a worker on the schools side:

You’re accountable to our quality standards. Put simply, because we provide you with opportunities on a first come first served basis, and you don’t have a direct relationship with the customer (the school), this helps us uphold the highest quality lessons and safeguarding

As a self-employed tutor on the private side:

You’re like any other contractor providing a service for a business. Your contract is with the business, not the customer you’re working with, and while it’s down to you to do your best work, the business can set out expectations and consequences for not meeting them

When you log in to your MyTutor account, the Income page will show you a full breakdown of all of your payments. It even has a handy countdown to show you when the next payment round is.

Private lessons

School lessons

You set your own rates based on our 5 different price bands.

Earnings are based on the level of your pupil, and your level of experience with us.

You receive an invoice showing each lesson you delivered.

You receive a payslip that displays the number of lessons delivered over a 2-week period.

Refund lessons yourself within 48 hours.

Just get in touch if you need to discuss refunding a school lesson.

You’re self-employed, and not entitled to holiday pay.

You’re entitled to holiday pay, which is included as a part of your hourly rate (calculated pro rata based on your UK annual statutory holiday entitlement).

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