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How do I replace a pupil?

I'm a Teacher article. Swap in a new pupil or replace another already on the programme. Find out more here!

Updated over 3 weeks ago

We've found that pupils who miss multiple lessons, especially the first 3, may struggle to get the most out of their MyTutor lessons.

If one of your pupils has been missing lessons, we recommend swapping in new pupils who might engage better and benefit from the remaining lessons.

Replacing pupils is really quick and easy to do, and your pupil can start right away - no need to fill out the Pupil Details Form!

From your Teacher Account you can:

If you need to replace a large cohort of pupils or change the subject, level, day or time for a pupil replacement, get in touch and we’ll be happy to help!

Please note - we don’t allow another pupil to take the place of an absent one. Allowing a pupil to use someone else’s login details is a safeguarding concern for us, and can end up catching our tutors by surprise!

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