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Collect Emails On Your Business Facebook Page
Collect Emails On Your Business Facebook Page

Add the NamasteLight email signup form to Facebook to build your email list from your Facebook page.

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Written by NamasteLight
Updated over a week ago

Adding a signup form to your Facebook page

Using our iframe signup option and the Facebook app Static HTML: iframe tabs, you can add a signup form you built in your account to your Facebook business or fan page. Here's how:

  1. After you've customized your classic signup form, head to the publishing options by clicking the arrow to the right of the form in Audience and choosing Add this to your site or by clicking the name of the form and then selecting the Publish this signup form button.

  2. A modal will pop up with all of the methods for publishing your signup form. Copy the code under the Use an iframe option.

  3. Head over to Facebook. You'll need to be logged in to Facebook as yourself (a personal account) and not as your business or fan page.

  4. Using Facebook's search bar, search for Static HTML: iframe tabs and select the result with this exact name.  it has a star icon and is listed as an app. It looks like this: 

5. Once you choose the result above, you'll be taken to a page to Add Static HTML to a Page. 

6. Click Add Static HTML to a page. You'll be taken to a screen where you can select which page will be used.

7. Choose your page from the dropdown and then click Add Page Tab.

8. On the next screen, choose Set up tab. 

9. On the next screen, you'll paste your iframe code in the index.html box, and click the green Preview button to preview your form or the blue Save & Publish button to push the signup form live to your page. To change the name of this tab, select Actions and then Edit name and image.

10. When finished, click the View on Facebook option where you can see it in action. 

Whenever you're logged in as an admin for your page and you're on this tab, you'll see the options to View tab as visitor which let's you preview it the way your visitors see it on the page. You can also choose Edit tab to return to the screen where you entered your code; here, you can replace the code if needed or rename your tab.

Helpful tips

These instructions utilize a third-party Facebook app developed by Thunderpenny. They have documentation and support here.

Want to remove this tab from your page? Head here for instructions from Thunderpenny.

When uploading an image to your signup form in NamasteLight, 480 pixels wide works best for Facebook.

If you'd rather bypass using the iframe application on Facebook, another option is to simply post a link to your signup form on your Facebook timeline. To post the link, copy the 'Link to It' URL in the list of add-to-site options. Post that link directly on your wall.

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