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What is CrowdFarming®?
Patricia avatar
Written by Patricia
Updated over 6 months ago

Crowdfarming is a new agricultural model born on the fields of Naranjas del Carmen, which links farmers with the consumers and aims to revolutionize the food supply chain. By adopting an orange tree or a beehive of our garden we achieved a transparent, direct and emotional connection with the people that consume our products. Our plantation has transformed into the plantation of the people that have a tree growing with us. These people know where their food comes from, by whom and how it was produced, when we harvested and how the season has been.

Since we launched and turned this idea into reality, other farmers have become interested in our model. We had two options to develop it: buy more land and grow Naranjas del Carmen or include other farmers and help them to apply this model to their products. One of the key points of Naranjas del Carmen is the care with which we treat our plantation and the personal connection we have established with people that have a tree planted here or that have adopted one of our beehives.

We thought instead of Crowdfarming becoming only a local, isolated success, we aim for it to be a true agri-social revolution worldwide, which achieves to make people more aware. To do so and avoid food waste it is necessary to disseminate the model and philosophy of cultivation to other farmers. With this objective in mind we have helped to launch, where other farmers can put their plants or animals up for adoption.

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