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Guide - Incident Module - Operations User
Guide - Incident Module - Operations User
Rob Brown avatar
Written by Rob Brown
Updated over a week ago



Navitas Compliance is a comprehensive and modern Food, Fire and Health & Safety software solution created by the Navitas/ESB - an independent Food Safety, Health & Safety and Fire Safety Consultancy providing a wide range of services to the Catering, Hotel, Retail and Leisure industries.

Navitas Compliance has been designed to be used in many Organisations for effective Safety Management. We help your business to ensure that you comply with all relevant Food, Fire and Health & Safety legislation and current best practice, to promote safe systems of work.

Navitas Compliance has been designed for three main user levels, which are: Site, Operations Manager and Headquarters. All users are interactively linked in a chain to ensure a smooth flow of operations throughout the system.

It is to be noted that every User has different access rights and responsibilities within the Navitas Compliance platform. This User Guide specifically addresses the role of Site User.

Navitas Compliance may be accessed directly via To begin, enter the Username and Password credentials supplied to you by Navitas/ESB.

Navitas Compliance Dashboard


Navigation Menu

The left hand menu is used as the main navigation point. The display colour will change to highlight which section is currently being viewed. Selecting a section will expand the menu to display any sub-menu options contained within.


The main dashboard displays statistical information relating to Sites within your remit. Each widget is interactive and may be selected to take the user through to the appropriate information.

A summary of incident submissions for your Sites is displayed to the top of the screen. Selection of this will take the user directly to the incident library and display all submissions relating to your allocated sites.

Navitas Compliance Incident

The incident library displays in a table containing ‘ID’, ‘Template’ used, ‘Category’ of template, the ‘Site’ of submission, ‘Nature of incident’ (where applicable), current sign-off ‘Status’ and ‘Date’ of creation.


The ‘MORE’ menu may be used to view submissions, download in PDF or XLS and add a comment which will display within the incident timeline. Comments may be added by all users associated with the Site, and will display within the timeline.

Creating an incident


It is a legal requirement for all Incidents to be reported. The incident module has been designed with this in mind, allowing the User to easily create and submit a variety of incident-specific templates.

Incidents are created by Site Users. The Site User will select the incident module from the left hand menu followed by ‘New Incident’. This displays a list of available Incident templates specific to your Organisation. Each template is assigned to a specific category relating to the nature of the Incident.

The Site User will select the appropriate template within the required category to begin. They will proceed through the template, filling out all fields as required. Typically, incident templates consist of basic data gathering questions followed by detailed investigation, increasing in size and complexity relative to the severity of the event.

Once a template is selected, the Incident is opened within the ‘Under Construction’ sub-menu of the Incident module. This allows the Site User to return and complete the template at a later time and date, as required. These may be accessed at any time from the under construction sub-menu.


Mandatory fields are denoted with a red asterisk. After ensuring all mandatory fields are completed as clearly and accurately as possible, the Site User may ‘submit’ the template in to the system by clicking the ‘Submit’ button present within the final page of the template. The submission will move to the ‘Incident library’ with a status of ‘Operations Manager’.

* If there are any issues, the system will highlight outstanding elements in red to denote which question(s) require completion. Submission is not possible until all mandatory fields are populated.

Site submissions notify the associated Operations Manager a new incident is available for their consideration. Anything within the incident library at a status of ‘Operations Manager’ is ready for your review. You may view incident content by selecting the ‘view’ option from the ‘MORE’ menu.


The incident case will display, allow you to review content. Two new options are presented to the top of the screen for the incident case; ‘Reject’ and ‘Sign off’. ‘Reject’ may be used to return the incident to the Site Manager, and will generate system notifications alerting them to this. A comment may be entered detailing the reason for return.

‘Sign off’ verifies you are satisfied all data has been documented to company standard. The status will update to ‘Complete’ within the library to denote incident completion.

All actions, comments and movement are denoted within the incident timeline for tracking purposes.

Incident Investigation


* Only applicable to Organisations with investigation elements enabled.

Should the need arise, an investigation may be conducted for completed incident cases. These are opened by HSE Business Partner or HQ users, who will detail the nature of the investigation and populate an action plan of corrective action, if necessary.

Outstanding investigations for Sites within your remit may be accessed via the ‘Investigations’ sub-menu within Incidents. Select the ‘View’ option from the ‘MORE’ menu for detailed information.

Investigation Action Plan


The investigation overview page for the selected case will display; this displays comments entered by HSE Business Partner/HQ detailing the reason(s) a follow-up investigation case has been opened. As Operations Manager you are not able to open an investigation but you may add comments at any time that will be visible to all relevant individuals within the investigation overview.

The HSE Business Partner/HQ User may have chosen to populate an Action Plan; this is accessible from the top right of the investigation overview or alternatively by selecting ‘Action Plans’ from the ‘MORE’ menu.


This area displays an Action Plan table similar to those present within the Audit module. The Action Plan table displays the fault, required corrective action, date of expected completion and current status. Current completion status for each action plan point is visible within this overview. You are able to view notes entered for corrective action via the ‘view’ option for an investigation.

Once all issues are resolved satisfactorily, HSE Business Partner or HQ will mark the investigation as ‘Closed’.

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