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Installing Appliance Pods
Rob Brown avatar
Written by Rob Brown
Updated over a week ago

Navitas Appliance Pod Installation Steps

The Navitas appliance Pods are the devices which are located in your fridges and freezers. The Pods collect the temperature of your appliances and transmit them over radio signal to your Hub at regular intervals.

1. Unpack the Pods

Carefully unpack the Pods from the packaging. Your pods will each be labelled with either your specific appliance names if provided, or Appliance 1, Appliance 2 and so on. Included in your hardware box will be several cable ties and/or hook magnets that are used to affix the Pod to an appliance.


2. Installing the Pods

  • The Pods need to be situated as centrally inside of an appliance where possible. It is advised not to simply place them on a shelf as they can be easily knocked out of the way or to the bottom of an appliance. Always try to install the Pod in the warmest part of the appliance, this is usually towards the back and towards the bottom of an appliance where the fans/cooling parts are at the top (towards the top where the cooling fans are located at the bottom).

  • Firstly ensure the Pod is powered on by clicking the Test and Reset buttons on the front of the Pod in quick succession "Test, Reset, Test, Reset". The red and green lights flashing one after each other means the Pod is ON. The red and greed lights flashing together means the Pod is OFF.

  • Use the supplied cable to locate the pod onto a fixed part of the appliance, such as a corner bracket as shown below. IMPORTANT! Do not attach a Pod to a removable bracket/shelf that requires regular cleaning.

  • Make a note of the label on the Pod if it has a generic name, so that you can rename it on your dashboard below


Do not:

  • Place the Pod on a shelf where it can be knocked by traffic

  • Place the Pod at the bottom of an appliance

  • Place the Pod in standing water/ice

  • Attach the pod to a removable shelf which requires cleaning

  • Attach the pod to an appliance fan/condenser pipework

3. Configuring Your Pods

Once you've located your Pods into your appliances you can then double check the temperatures are being displayed on your platform.

Please note that it can take up to 45 minutes for the dashboard to update, it's always best to wait an hour before starting this procedure to ensure every Pod has had the opportunity to report a temperature.

  • You will now see all of your appliance Pods listed. Within here you can update the names and labels of the appliance as they would appear on your dashboard.

  • Click on more by the side of the appliance Pod you wish to edit and click on update:

  • On the individual Pod update screen, you can change the name of the Pod appliance as its displayed on the main dashboard:

  • You can then set the compliant temperature range for your appliance:

As per UK requirements, a Fridge should be under 8 degrees and a Freezer below -18 degrees celsius. Please check your local requirements/regulations to ensure you set the threshold correctly.

  • Section Sensors can be left alone, this is only required when changing a Pod

  • Scroll to the bottom and click Update.

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