How to add a staff record

Add a barber/therapist to the booking system.

Alan Wong avatar
Written by Alan Wong
Updated over a week ago

Staff records are separate from admin logins. To create an admin login to access the admin interface of the booking system, see this article.

Within Settings > My Business, click [Manage] against the shop followed by [+ Add Another Barber/Therapist]:

Firstly, enter their name as shown to customers:

Secondly, assign the staff member their services. You can select services from existing staff members and adjust these as needed:

You can also add new services specifically for this staff member using the + New button:

If adding a new service, remember to save with the green tick button.

All service attributes can be further edited later within Settings > My Business. If the list is correct, click [Proceed] to finish assigning. You can then optionally issue them an admin login, as well as add their photo to display during customer booking - both can be done later if needed:

Finish the process by setting their rota. Click on a day if it needs changing and edit the availability:

If their day is split into two shifts (e.g. 09:00-12:00, 15:00-18:00), click [Add More Times] to configure this:

Choose how to repeat the availability (No Repeat | Repeat Weekly | Repeat Fortnightly) before clicking [Preview New Timetable] followed by [Save Changes]. Repeat this for other days as necessary.

If [Available To Walk-Ins] is selected:

The customer will see during booking:

Once you click [Finish], they will appear within Settings > My Business where you can further configure their settings and services.

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