How to set up a patch test

Manage which services require a patch test before booking.

Alan Wong avatar
Written by Alan Wong
Updated over a week ago

Create a patch test service

First, within Settings > My Business, click [+ Add Another Service] for a therapist and create a bookable patch test like so:

Make sure to add this to every therapist's service list if they offer a treatment that requires a patch test.

Set up the patch test

To get started, head to Settings > Patch Tests.

Note: If you are on a Nearcut system, please contact us to enable the feature.

Click [+ Setup a Patch Test]:

  • Patch test service: Set this to the patch test service you just created.

  • Minimum hours before treatment: The minimum time needed between the patch test and treatment to ensure no adverse reaction.

  • Another patch test is required after: After this length of time, the customer would need to book another patch test.

  • Choose how to enforce patch tests when customers book

    • Internal: The feature can be used internally by staff, but customers will not be prompted for a patch test when booking.

    • Optional: The customer will be prompted to book a patch test which they can skip if they have already had one recently:

    • Required: The [Skip] option above is removed so the customer must book a patch test first.

  • Customer notice during booking: This message will be shown above the [Book Now] button in the above image when the customer is prompted for a patch test. We advise including for example:

    • Why a patch test is needed.

    • How long before the appointment it needs to be.

    • When it expires and needs redoing.

    • If the enforcement setting is Optional, a disclaimer like:

      'If you skip this step, you must have had a patch test in the last 12 weeks.'

  • Select which services require this patch test: Ticked services will prompt a patch test.

How it works

  • If the enforcement setting is Optional or Required, customers will be prompted to book a patch test first when selecting one of the ticked services.

  • The system will ensure that the patch test is booked far enough before the treatment in accordance with the Minimum hours before treatment setting.

  • Once the customer has had a patch test, they will not be prompted to book another one until the Another patch test is required after period has elapsed.

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