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[Outdated] How to add a Book Now button to your Facebook/Instagram business page

Provide one-click access to your booking page.

Alan Wong avatar
Written by Alan Wong
Updated over a week ago

Notes and prerequisites

  • The Book Now button is not properly compatible with the New Pages Experience version of Facebook pages - these have a Posts tab (instead of Home) on the banner:

    Please see this short guide for a workaround.

  • The Book Now button on Instagram requires you to have a linked Facebook/Meta account. If you do not have one and rather not, then alternatively edit your Instagram profile and add your website link into the Website or Bio fields.

Before proceeding, please ensure that your Facebook/Instagram business page(s) are listed assets over which you have full admin control on your Meta Business Suite account:

If you have yet to create your business page(s), here are some Meta help articles:


Within Settings > Integrations, click the [Connect to Facebook & Instagram] button:

If you are already logged in to your Facebook account on your web browser, you will see your name:

Typically, you will have added your personal account as an admin for your Facebook/Instagram page, so continue with this and it will allow you to select the business page after.

If you created a separate Facebook account to administrate your business page, then click Log in to another account.

Once you have continued, grant the permissions for the Book Now integration:

You can then select your Facebook page and add your Instagram profile if you have one connected:

If a 'not eligible' message appears, check that your Facebook/Instagram business page(s) are listed assets over which you have full admin control on your Meta Business Suite account:

Once everything is added, click [Continue]:

Followed by [Next]:

And finally [Done] to finish:

Please contact us with a screenshot if you experience any issues with setting this up.

Adding to another Facebook/Instagram business page

If you have another Facebook/Instagram page for your shop, follow the above guide but instead of going through Settings > Integrations (which is only for the first integration), go to Settings > My Business and click the [Share] button against the shop, which appears if you have filled in the Contact Info section:

Then click Set Book Now button on Facebook & Instagram for another integration:

Repeat the process for any additional pages.

Uninstalling the integration

Within Settings > Integrations, click Manage Facebook Integrations followed by Uninstall Business Manager on the subsequent page:

If you have more than one integration, they will be in the order added with the first one at the top.

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